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The ending of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 leaves us with a lot of questions — and there are two ending teasers to chew on. During (and after) the credits, you’ll get major teasers to see what happens next in the story. One is for Peter Parker and pushes forward the plot of the game, while the other teases a new character entirely. Beware, because we’re going to talk about all the plot points of Spider-Man 2 here. There are going to be massive story spoilers.
Still want to see what happens in the teasers? Everything will be revealed in the full article below. For now, let’s talk about the basics. In Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, Peter Parker and Miles Morales share duties as Spider-Man in New York City. While defending the city from everyday crime, a new villain group appears. The Hunters, ruled by the unstoppable Kraven, are here to capture and kill supervillains for the thrill of the hunt. While all this is going on, an old friend of Peter Parker returns. Harry Osborn, the son of Norman Osborn and long-time friend of Peter, is back and he’s sporting a new (and strange) exosuit that’s temporarily cured him of his illness.
That’s a lot of story to wrap-up. And after the rubble has been cleared, we’re left to wonder — what’s next for Marvel’s Spider-Man? These teasers hint at the future of the franchise. Here’s what might be included in Marvel’s Spider-Man 3.
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What Do The Ending Teasers Mean?
The ending of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 sees Kraven defeated, Venom destroyed, and Harry Osborn temporarily saved. After a climactic battle with the alien symbiote Venom, Harry is revived by Miles Morales’s electricity powers, bringing him back from the brink of death. While Harry is brought back to Norman’s house for treatment, there’s no cure available. Normal Osborn rages, furious over what’s happened to his boy. Meanwhile, Peter Parker decides to restart the ruined Emily-May Foundation founded by Harry. With new responsibilities on the horizon, Peter decides to retire as Spider-Man (for now) and Miles agrees, taking full Spider-Man responsibilities for New York.
And that leads to the teasers. There are two credits teasers — and casual fans of Spider-Man might be confused. Names are dropped and references are made to major storylines. Let’s break down exactly what these teasers are trying to tease.
What Is The Final Chapter?

The first teaser shows Norman Osborn returning to the Raft where we find an imprisoned Doctor Octopus. Doc Ock still holds a serious hate for Normal Osborn and his son Harry — all part of his story in Marvel’s Spider-Man 1. Norman no longer cares about their rivalry, only wanting revenge against Spider-Man. Enthusiastically, Doc Ock reveals that he’s plotting ‘the final chapter‘ — an end to everything.
What does this mean? With the reappearance of Doctor Octopus, we’re left to assume that Doc Ock will be a major villain of Marvel’s Spider-Man 3. After two games of teasing, we might also get the Green Goblin. Norman Osborn, in the standard ending, calls his laboratory and requests a ‘G-Serum‘ — could this be the serum that transforms billionaire Norman Osborn into the truly unhinged Green Goblin?
The Final Chapter is also a reference to an infamous 1998 storyline featuring the Green Goblin. The Final Chapter was a confusing mess filled with magical rituals, enhanced Green Goblins, mind control chips, and a newly revived Aunt May. This storyline is where Peter Parker learns his beloved Aunt May, who passed on during the events of the Clone Saga in the 90s, was actually a paid actress who was implanted with May’s DNA. As it turns out, Normal Osborn was behind everything — because this is comic books, he could just find an actress to die for real and pretend to be someone else. Look, this is an incredibly strange comic book, so we can’t assume any of the major plot beats will be the same in Marvel’s Spider-Man 3.
But Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is a remixed version of Kraven’s Last Hunt. What elements might we see in a remixed The Final Chapter? The Green Goblin emerging as the main villain is very likely. The Green Goblin using a convoluted plan and attacking Peter Parker’s friends and family? Definitely. We might even see the Molten Man appear. Obviously, Doctor Octopus will be involved. Aunt May may play a part in the story as well, though I’m extremely doubtful she’ll be revived.
Whatever the case, Marvel’s Spider-Man 3 is being setup as a true supervillain parade, with all of Peter Parker’s greatest foes teaming up against him.
Who Is Cindy Moon?

The second teaser returns us to Miles Morales’s apartment with his mom. Earlier in the story, we find out that Miles’s mom Rio is dating a new suitor. It isn’t until this final teaser we learn who it is. As the door to their apartment opens, we meet Albert Moon. That name probably won’t ring a bell for most of us — until Albert introduces his daughter, Cindy Moon.
Cindy Moon is the secret identity of Silk, another Spider-Person in the Spider-Verse that we haven’t seen before in major media. Silk’s story is actually very similar to Miles — in the comics, Silk gained her Spider-Powers from the same spider that bit Peter Parker. As one of the attendees, the spider bit her soon after biting Miles. It isn’t clear whether Silk already has Spider-Powers or not in this teaser, but we’re going to guess no. This might not even be a reveal for the sequel. We may see more story progression with Cindy Moon in a proposed DLC or stand-alone expansion like Spider-Man: Miles Morales, but this absolutely pushes us closer to a third playable character in the series. We might be skipping over Gwen Stacy completely, going with the more under-utilized Cindy Moon instead. And because Cindy Moon is so under-utilized, she might be completely different in every way from her comics origin.
Whatever these teasers mean for the future of Marvel’s Spider-Man, we’re incredibly excited to see what comes next. And the rest of Spider-Man 2 is packed with references villains we’ll see in future DLC, expansions or full games in the future. The all-new and all-different Carnage may become the next big villain in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 DLC. We’re crossing our fingers and hoping for some Maximum Carnage.