The Prowler makes his return from Spider-Man: Miles Morales. In Spider-Man 2, the reformed criminal and Miles’s uncle, asks for Spider-Man’s help collecting old technology stashes found all over New York. Each stash requires solving a small puzzle, so we’ll explain where to find them and how to complete each one.
For finding them all, you’ll unlock the ‘Co-Signing‘ trophy and a powerful upgrade for Miles Morales. Unlike any other activity in the game, the Prowler Stashes actually give Miles an upgrade, adding a powerful surprise attack to his stealth. After turning invisible, Miles will gain a killer punch when ambushing enemies. There’s nothing else like it in the game, so you might as well unlock it ASAP.
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Prowler Stashes Guide
Prowler Stashes are unlocked early in the story. Miles Morales’s uncle, the former thief the Prowler, asks you to help recover his old technology from hidden stash houses. To spot these stashes, look for purple outlines on rooftops — you’ll need to solve a small puzzle on each roof to unlock the hidden room and collect the stash. There are 9 Prowler Stashes in the city. Find them all to unlock a new costume for Miles Morales.

Prowler Stash #1: Upper West Side – The first Prowler Stash is unlocked automatically as you play through the story. You can’t miss this one.

Prowler Stash #2: Hell’s Kitchen – On the rooftop near the cathedral and Maddison Square Garden. To unlock, go to the billboard on the corner of the roof and scan the pipe on the upper structure. After revealing the hidden switch, pull it (from the billboard) then activate the generator. This leads to a second generator. Activate it too (with Miles) and then follow the power cable, fixing the breaks in the line by shooting webs.

Prowler Stash #3: Midtown – In the northeast corner of midtown on the Braxton building. Scan the symbol under ‘Braxton’ sign and then pull it from the left side to reveal a hidden vent. Crawl through the lasers to reach the stash safe at the end of the obstacle course.

Prowler Stash #4: Greenwich – On the dock in the southeast corner of the district. Scan the large grey panel that looks like a vent. After scanning, go up to the ceiling and pull it up, then track down four generators by following the power lines. Two are on the structure where the room is, one is on the corner of the rooftop, and the last is on the opposite structure. Power them all up and the door will open.

Prowler Stash #5: Astoria – On the southern border of the Astoria district. Scan the vent panel on the mid-rooftop, at the base of the black tower. Pull it open from the left to discover three lights. You’ll need to swap to Chain-Lightning to zap all four purple panels. One is on the tall back skyscraper, one is on the rooftop above the secret room, one is just above the secret room, and the last one is right next to the secret room door.

Prowler Stash #6: Downtown Queens – On the west docks. Go to the waterfront side of the rooftop and scan the vent cover. Jump onto the antennae to pull it up and reveal a vent entrance. Crawl through, go right and flip the switch, then backtrack and weave through the lasers to reach the safe.

Prowler Stash #7: Little Odessa – In the center of the Little Odessa district, in a cargo storage area between building. Scan the blocked cargo container — there’s a narrow spot where you can scan. To raise the container blocked the stash, go to the right side of the crane and stand on the containers. Pull the wheel (visible when you scan) to raise the container, then pull open the stash doors from any angle.

Prowler Stash #8: Williamsburg – In the center-east of the city. Go to the lower rooftop in the purple zone and scan the right vent cover. Pull it open, then pull the wheel inside. Web up the wheel so it stays in place, then pull the wheel to the left. This unlocks the stash location.

Prowler Stash #9: Downtown Brooklyn – Near the onramp to the bridges. Scan the lower rooftop in the purple zone. There’s a small structure behind a billboard. Scan the steam pipe on the back, then pull it. This reveals a hidden door. Scan the door, then pull it from above again to find the stash.

Prowler Stash #10: Harlem – The final stash will unlock after finding all the others. It is located in the west of Harlem and appears automatically on your map. Scan the steam pipe on the right side of the small structure to unlock it and find a hidden note.
Complete the last Prowler Stash and you’ll get a final mission at Miles Morales’s apartment. There’s a story cutscene with your uncle. You’ll unlock the ‘Co-Signing‘ trophy and get an upgrade to your stealth attacks. Your first attack when stealthed deals extra damage and knocks enemies back.