The biggest mission so far in Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon in a very literal way, Mission 7: Destroy the Weaponized Mining Ship sees tasks player with taking down a giant structure that is a massive asset to the Rubicon Liberation Front. This mission is unlocked along with Mission 6: Attack the Dam Complex after completing both Mission 4: Destroy the Transport Helicopters and Mission 5: Destroy the Tester AC. With an enemy so much bigger and more powerful than your AC, some might need help in taking down this target and the boss fight that comes with it. So allow me to provide assistance! This guide will provide a walkthrough of Mission 7: Destroy the Weaponized Mining Ship for Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon.
More Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon Guides:
Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon – Full Achievement and Trophy List | Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon – How to Change Weapons, Colors, and More | AC Customization Explained | Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon – Can You Get More Repair Kits? | Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon – How to Defeat the HC Helicopter Boss Fight
Destroy The Weaponized Mining Ship Walkthrough In Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon
When it comes to the build that you should bring into this mission, I suggest focusing on weaponry that works at both medium and long ranges maybe even doubling up on the guns and missiles. Taking down your target won’t really necessitate getting in close so leaving behind the melee weapons and deciding to use the Double Trigger style with duel-wield guns is a great choice. As for the body of the AC, the focus of the build for this mission should be speed and agility as there are a lot of quick attacks and missiles that come from the boss as well as some platforming that will be needed to reach certain targets. Make sure your AC is quick and has the weaponry to engage at far range and this mission and the ending boss shouldn’t be a problem.
The Arquebus Group has once again asked for Raven’s services, this time tasking you with taking down a mining ship known as the STRIDER that the Rubicon Liberation Front has repurposed into a mobile fortress. Upon loading into the mission, the ominous silhouette of the monstrous STRIDER can be seen from far across the desert that it is moving across. Make your way towards the STRIDER, defeating the enemies that are dotted around the desert as you approach. On the way toward the mining vessel, STRIDER will fire missiles and shoot a laser beam across the ground from its Eye on top of the machine.

Once at the STRIDER, you will be pointed towards the exposed parts of the back right leg. Destroy the legs while dodging rockets. Once the leg is destroyed, the STRIDER will fall to the ground and its health bar will appear at the top of the screen. Once the back of the vessel is on the ground, you will need to scale the back of the ship and fly up to the center part of the ship.

The Four Generators Of The STRIDER
Once at the center of the ship, there will be 4 Generators found around the STRIDER that must be destroyed before being able to fight The Eye of the STRIDER. There is a Generator on both the left and right sides of the ship with another one under the ship and one on top. These are very easy to destroy, only requiring a few shots from your weapons to destroy. While targeting the left, right, and bottom Generators, there aren’t any major threats to worry about as the Eye of the STRIDER cannot get a good shot off at you. When attacking the top Generator, however, just be aware of The Eye’s attack and go after the target in between its beam attacks.
Once the last generator is destroyed, the shield around The Eye and you can now attack the last thing keeping the STRIDER standing.

The Eye Of The STRIDER
The Eye has a few different attacks that attempt to quickly melt your health bar since it is completely stationary and cannot avoid any of the damage you throw at it. There are multiple beam attacks as well as a missile attack. Players can use their dodge to avoid these or jump off the platform and use the STRIDER itself as cover. Check out Gameranx’s full guide on how to defeat the STRIDER boss fight here.

Once The Eye is destroyed, the rest of the STRIDER will begin to explode. Handler Walter will tell you to get away from the vessel as it falls to the ground. Walter places a marker on the ground far away from the STRIDER. Go to this location and wait for the STRIDER to be destroyed. Once the destruction of the STIRDER is finished, Mission 7: Destroy the Mining Ship will be completed!

There are no collectibles in Mission 7: Destroy The Weaponized Mining Ship.
- 180,000 Credits (COAM)
- Intermediate Support 1: Assembling an AC (Training)
- Intermediate Support 2: Reverse-Jointed ACs (Training)
- New Parts
This concludes the guide for Mission 7: Destroy The Weaponized Mining Ship. You can check out Gameranx’s guide for Mission 8: Operation Wallclimber. Stay tuned to Gameranx for future news, updates, and guides for Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon.