There is a lot to see in the nightmare version of LA made by DamBuster Studios in Dead Island 2. With secrets packed in every corner and side quests that can span the entire map, players will want to get around as efficiently as possible to see everything on offer. Dead Island 2 isn’t exactly a typical open-world game, however, and the ability to fast travel isn’t totally straightforward.
Luckily, players are able to fast travel, but it’s not something available to players from the word go and isn’t able to be done at any time like in other, similar games.
Here’s everything you need to know about how to fast travel in Dead Island 2.
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Dead Island 2 Fast Travel Explained

As mentioned above, fast travel isn’t something that players have access to right when they start the game. In fact, it isn’t an option until you make it to Venice Beach and complete the “Red Mist” main quest which happens several hours into the game.
Once you’ve made it to the Blue Crab boys’ hideout in Venice Beach, you’ll be able to fast travel to any other previously visited district by interacting with the map of LA that’s on a table in the hideout.
When you do, you’ll be given a list of all other available districts that you can fast travel to. If there’s a quest that needs completing in a district, it will be marked accordingly on the list of locations.

Take note that you can only fast travel by interacting with LA maps so you’ll need to find another map in the district you’re in if you want to easily get from one place to another. The maps are in the following locations:
- Bel-Air – Emma’s Mansion
- Beverly Hills – Roxanne’s House
- Brentwood Sewer – Maintenance Room
- Brentwood Sewer – ZFZ Near Patton’s
- Halperin Hotel – Janitor’s Office
- Hollywood Boulevard – Re-Aging Clinic
- Monarch Studios – Green Screen
- Ocean Avenue – Serling Hotel
- The Metro – Utility Storage
- The Pier – Lifeguard HQ
- Venice Beach – Blue Crab Grill
- Venice Beach – The Tower
As you can see, most districts just have one fast travel location, however, there are a handful of districts that have multiple major points of interest/safe houses, so you have a few options when it comes to choosing where to go when you fast travel as well as where you can fast travel from.