One of the longer puzzles found in the village section of the Resident Evil 4 Remake is found in Chapter 4 and sees you traveling across multiple locations around the lake as rain pours down. You will need to complete 2 puzzles to acquire two special items to unlock the Chuch Insignia Key, which you need to gain access to the church where the President’s daughter, Ashley Graham, is being held captive in. Some players might need some help in figuring out this series of puzzles so allow me to provide some assistance! This guide will tell players how to find the solution to the Church Insignia Key Puzzle in Resident Evil 4 Remake.
Church Insignia Key Puzzle Solution In Resident Evil 4 Remake
After defeating the Del Lago boss fight and starting Chapter 4, you will dock at a nearby shed at the southern part of the lake and will make your way into a location called the Mural Cave. Inside this cave is where you will find the Church Insignia Key, a circular item that sits locked on a pedestal with two arms stretching out from the ground. Go to the right of the pedestal to find a mural drawn on the wall showing you two locations that you will need to visit: The Large Shrine Cave and the Small Shrine Cave. Both of these locations contain stone heads locked behind a metal door that you will need to solve another puzzle to solve. You will need to acquire both of these heads and return them to the Mural Cave to get the Church Insignia Key.

The Large Shine Cave is found to the left of the Mural Cave a bit down the waterway.

Once you dock and make your way into the cave, you will need to keep an eye out for three yellow symbols drawn on the walls. These will tell you which of the buttons you need to press at the pedestal found in this cave to open the door to the Apostle’s Head key item. Be careful as you make your way through this area as it is crawling with Gandos.

Once you enter these three symbols in any order, the door to the right of the mechanism will open allowing you to enter the small room with a statue inside. Interact with the statue to take the Apostle’s Head.

With the first head acquired, you will now need to head to the other location depicted on the mural to find the other stone head needed to gain access to the Church Insignia Key. The Small Shrine Cave at the northeastern end of the lake and as the name suggests is much smaller than its fellow cave system and has no enemies here.

Just like before, you will need to find three yellow images on the wall showing you the symbols you need to input to open the door to the Blasphemer’s Head item. The three images along with the solution for this cave are shown below.

Enter the now open room and take the stone Blasphemer’s Head. Now with both heads acquired, you can return to the Mural Cave to complete this puzzle and get the Church Insignia Key.

The final step of this puzzle is to put the heads into the correct hands to unlock the pedestal. You will need to put the heads in the hand that corresponds to where the head was found in comparison to the pedestal as shown on the Mural in the cave. This means putting the Apostle’s Head in the left hand and the Blasphemer’s head in the right hand. This will unlock the pedestal and you will get the Church Insignia Key and will have officially completed this puzzle.

Stay tuned to Gameranx for guides, tips, and tricks for Resident Evil 4 Remake.
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