There are several layers to the combat in Gotham Knights. From the basic attacks and dodges to the more complicated Momentum Abilities, players are given a decent amount of options for how they want to tackle the game’s fights. One element, however, often goes overlooked in favor of more offensive measures: smoke bombs.
Smoke bombs are an essential part of the Bat family’s arsenal that each character (Red Hood, Nightwing, Batgirl, and Robin) has access to. Players unlock the ability to use them during the prologue, but since the tutorial has a lot of elements to it, it’s no wonder that smoke bombs tend to get forgotten about despite their importance. Use the guide below to learn everything you need to know about using smoke bombs in Gotham Knights.
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All Batarang Collectible Locations | All Landmark Collectible Locations | All Street Art Collectible Locations | How To Unlock Clayface’s Side-Quest | How To Swap Heroes | Character Guide | Momentum Explained | Knighthood Explained | All Investigation Puzzle Solutions | How To Turn Off Multiplayer | How to Fast Travel |
How to Use Smoke Bombs
Using smoke bombs in Gotham Knights is quite simple. Unlike other games which may have smoke bombs as consumable resources, Gotham Knights gives the player access to as many bombs as they want for a speedy exit. To use them, get into a fight with a group of criminals and then hold down L1 on PS5, LB on Xbox consoles, or “C” on PC.

When you do, you’ll shoot your grapple hook to a safe location and as you start to swing away, a smoke bomb will explode, hiding you from view and temporarily stunning all nearby enemies. Unfortunately, you aren’t able to use smoke bombs without swinging away, so they’re only to be used to get out of situations that may be a little too dangerous.
It’s worth pointing out that you aren’t able to use smoke bombs in every combat scenario, only ones where returning to stealth is an option. Even then, you’ll need to make sure that you’re grappling to someplace that’s far enough away to lose the enemies’ line of sight. If you simply grapple to a nearby ledge that doesn’t break the sightline, a bomb won’t go off. This means that it’s difficult to use smoke bombs in enclosed environments or during some of the more linear moments of the game’s main story. It’s for this reason that they’re best used in the open world when taking on opportunistic and premeditated crimes.
While Gotham Knights‘ stealth mechanics aren’t the main focus of the game, mastering smoke bombs is crucial if you want to return to stealth after going loud in a combat encounter.