Jedi Chambers are optional mini-dungeons found throughout the overworld of Koboh in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Each one is a complicated puzzle with multiple steps to solve — and they all reward you with a useful Essence upgrade. They can all be missed, so even finding them can be tricky. Most of them have normal entrances, but one is even more well-hidden. Finding them all even unlocks a powerful map upgrade that reveals the locations for all Essence upgrades in all locations. Not bad for solving six puzzles. Here’s where to find all the hidden trials.
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Jedi Chamber Locations | All 6 Puzzle Trials
There are 6 optional Jedi Chambers on the planet Koboh. Technically there are 7 — the first you’ll automatically find and complete when you meet the High Republic droid Zee. The rest are easy to miss. For finding and completing every Jedi Chamber, you’ll unlock a special reward.
- Jedi Chamber Reward: For completing all Jedi Chambers, you’ll be able to unlock the vault in the hidden Alignment Control Center. This High Republic facility is located across the bridge to the Untamed Wilds. Enter the Untamed Wilds from Rambler’s Reach — you’ll see a shiny door structure built into the rock. Double-jump inside to reach a lift.
- Inside the Alignment Control Center, you’ll see 7 terminals. For each Jedi Temple you complete, you’ll turn one terminal from red to green. When all 7 terminals are green, you’ll unlock a reward.
- Reward: A map upgrade will show all Essence upgrades on your map.
That’s a huge bonus. If you want to easily track down every upgrade in the entire game, you’ll want to complete these Jedi Chambers. We won’t explain how to solve the puzzles here — this guide is just to help you find them all.
Chamber of Reason: Basalt Rift – Past Toa’s Camp, cut down the stone pillar to create a shortcut straight to the Basal Rift Meditation Point. From the shortcut, stay on the high road until you reach a rampaging Mogu crushing a Stormtrooper. To the right, you can jump and swing to reach this Jedi Chamber.
Chamber of Clarity: Untamed Downs – Near the large Bedlam Raiders base called Fort Kah’lin, there’s a High Republic ruin along the cliffs. Use a Nekko Super Jump to reach the vines and climb to the top of the bluffs.
Chamber of Detachment: Mountain Ascent – Return to the Mountain Ascent area where Cal can acquire the Slice: Imperial Security Droids ability. This is where there are two (or just one, if you Mind Tricked the trooper) Green Barriers. This area is accessible after unlocking Merrin’s Charm and Force Dash. Drop down behind the barriers and check behind the waterfall.
Chamber of Connection: Viscid Bog – Near Wini’s Hut in the Viscid Bog, return after unlocking Force Lift. Cross the pillars Cal can lift out of the bog, and traverse to the yellow metal platform with a shortcut zipline. Ride the zipline and drop down to another zipline about halfway across. This takes you to an island with the Jedi Chamber entrance.
Chamber of Fortitude: Southern Reach – Found in the large round structure in the center of the region. Once you can access the Corroded Silo interior, you’ll find a way into the trial. Requires Force Lift.
Devastated Settlement Secret Chamber: Devastated Settlement – Near the Devastated Settlement Meditation Point, after unlocking all the thermal vents, you’ll be able to ride a glider bird to a hidden door to the left of the sliding beam puzzle room. Glide into the cliff face to discover a strange puzzle room.
- To actually solve this puzzle, use the beam on the high upper-left ledge and aim the beam at the hidden room door. Use the Koboh Grinder ability to burn away the Koboh Matter inside. Doing this instantly solve the chamber.
That’s how to find all six optional puzzles and collect Perk rewards.