Starfield’s UK Launch Is Headed By The Crimson Fleet
It's a fun little bit of immersion for a nation that's one of the big homes of science fiction.
It's a fun little bit of immersion for a nation that's one of the big homes of science fiction.
You probably also wouldn't believe who pulled this off.
After helping Louisa solve the power problem in Starfield, she asks you to escort her to the Trade Authority on New Atlantis.
Exploring Starfield will reveal power is being siphoned on New Atlantis. Louisa is on the case, and she asks you for aid.
Sergeant Yumi is back and in need of help. Head to New Atlantis and give a hand with 'A Break At Dawn' in Starfield.
Once you make it to New Atlantis you are free to head to UCSEC and pick up some part-time police work helping Sergeant Yumi.
Building up your fleet without spending the big bucks.
Bethesda succeeded in making a game people will want to play for years.
Are you happy with the map?
Ultimately, the companies involved are still responsible for adding this support and making sure it stays compatible.
If you're not buying it yet, there's no lack of opportunities to learn more about Starfield now.
Don’t fret; mod support is still coming.
Do you even lift, space bro?
Smuggling and selling illicit substances in space.
Scare up a truly ludicrous alien outfit.
You can't escape the long arm of the law forever in Starfield.
Explore the stars with the intergalactic fast travel of Starfield.
Piracy can be profitable. Here's how to disable and board ships in Starfield.
Customize your galaxy with all the starting Backgrounds and Traits in Starfield.