Latest Splatoon 3 Splatfest Gets Surprising Winner!
The legend continues!
Nintendo is not legally obligated to offer the free repairs, but it seems to have covered any regulatory or legal concerns with the issue.
Everything you need to know about the Red Lights in Dredge.
Everything you need to know to gather Research Parts in Dredge.
Everything you need to know to unlock Explosives in Dredge.
Everything you need to know about Dredge, and what you should expect when playing it.
Darkest before the dawn.
Nintendo is still actively looking into resolving the dreaded Joy-Con drift.
The Reality Augment pool keeps on growing.
Spring has arrived in Fortnite.
Fan discovers a clue to Link being able to explore underwater.
There's certainly an elephant in the room here, but as long as Nintendo fans are happy, that's OK.
This feed drip of rumors makes it feel like an official announcement of the Nintendo Switch successor is inching ever closer, if it isn't quite happening yet.
The 7-Star Bug Tera Samurott Raid Event begins on Friday, March 31 and ends on Sunday, April 2. Make sure your Pokémon is ready to battle!
Check out the footage right here.
Don't miss out on these incredible Learned Skills.
You'll shed tears for different reasons with this system!
While it's an issue that may resurface in the future, here and now it seems game companies aren't interested.
We won't be waiting that long to find out!