Meet the Civilization VI Leader of Brazil
Pedro II is the man in charge of Brazil.
The Black Death arrives at the end of August.
In 2017, it's up to you to help free the Bubba Beasts.
Meet the Barbarian, Rogue, Paladin, and Warden.
You have one last chance to check out the game early.
The Australia Classification Board refused to classify The Bug Butcher, removing it from sale in that region.
In this platformer game about season switching, the campaign is sailing along. Currently at 33% of their goal already.
On July 21st - clear Alfred Ethon of the crime he was accused of. But did he actually do it?
It's a 2D side-scroller that focuses on switching between different characters to overcome obstacles.
"The bray of the battle-horns pierces the gloom, and beyond: from Bordeleaux to Ostermark, the Call Of The Beastmen will be heard across The Old World!"
Poly Bridge by Dry Cactus is now out of Steam Early Access into a full release.
Learn more about the enemy types that'll show up in this upcoming fantasy game.
Can you harness the opportunities of Summer to make sure your clan survives the Winter?
Instead of workers, Civilization VI uses a Builder Class.
"It's better than nothing", Comcept said of his $4 Million dollar game he developed over the course of three years.
Xbox 360, Mac, Linux versions delayed at last minute, joining the delayed 3DS and Vita versions. The six platforms that made it to launch have other technical issues as well.
Unreal Tournament's "Underland" map has a cliffside cave theme going on with it.
See the battle magic at play in Total War Warhammer, ahead of the game's release on May 24th.
Until "18:00 BST on the 31st May" (one week after release), anyone who buys Total War Warhammer gets the Chaos Warriors DLC for free.
Bad News is the PS4 and Vita versions are slightly delayed. But the good news is they have a Linux version.
Learn to type while diving into this immersive adventure story.
Paradox Interactive has officially confirmed the numbers.