Splatoon 3 Offering Special Physical Reward For MyNintendo Members
A grand gesture!
Looks like Nintendo is quiet quitting their mobile games.
We're watching you, Keighley...
We are that much closer to the Switch 2 announcement.
Oh, look! They don't like them either.
The Switch 2 could be getting a lot of current generation games from these unusual circumstances.
It turns out Nintendo can have two or more presentations in one month.
Getting your scares in early, huh?
Bring out the dowling rods and Ouija boards everyone.
Strike a pose with your faves!
Swearing? On my Switch? It's more likely than you may think.
Is this something we want them to do all the time now?
And here comes the most confusing discourse in Pokemon fandom.
Kindness is free, everyone.
The past echoes once more!
They just might give Nintendo the whole franchise now.
Well...yeah, people use it all the time...
The power of Majora's Mask cannot be denied.
As Gorilla Monsoon would say, it's a happening.