Nintendo may not have had its biggest year ever in 2024, but what it did have was plenty of great titles that were littered throughout the year. Specifically, they had titles that touched multiple different franchises, and fans couldn’t wait to get their hands on them. One such title was Super Mario Party Jamboree. The game was announced in June during a Nintendo Direct, and fans were stunned that Nintendo aimed to put a third entry in the series on the Switch. Wouldn’t that “flood the market” with titles? No, actually, it would just encourage gamers to get all three.
We’re not saying that loosely, either, as Nintendo revealed today during its financial briefing that Super Mario Party Jamboree sold the fastest of any previous entry, including the Switch ones. In total, it sold over 5.6 million in just about 11 weeks, as noted by the chart below:
Ironically, the game was hinting at a big launch not because of Nintendo’s reveal but because of Japan’s. The game was the biggest exclusive title sold in Japan last year, with nearly a million units being sold. Plus, that number only included the physical copies, so it was all but guaranteed to have sold over a million units there. So, when added to the other nations, it’s sold incredibly well, and Nintendo is undoubtedly thrilled with what happened.
Now, to be clear, while it’s the fastest-selling entry in the franchise across its opening period, it still has a long way to go to become the best-selling of the series. That honor belongs to Super Mario Party, which stands at over 21 million units sold. To be honest, it’s unlikely that the game will get such a selling rate for multiple reasons, not the least of which is that the other title came out in 2018 and had both time and a pandemic to get people to play it.
In contrast, the newest entry, no matter how grand it is, only has a few more months before the Nintendo Switch 2 arrives for people to focus on. Yes, the game can play on the new system, but whether it’ll continue selling in big numbers is up for debate.
Regardless, this is yet another victory for Nintendo, and it’s inevitable that we’ll see the party franchise on the Switch 2, possibly multiple times over! This trinity of Switch titles proves that gamers still love this franchise and are willing to buy it repeatedly so long as the quality holds.