The reveal of the Nintendo Switch 2 was highly anticipated. Several industry personalities have stated that they felt the reveal was underwhelming because of all of the leaks. However, Nintendo could also have made their reveal of the a bit more exciting and an ex-Sony executive – Shuhei Yoshida agrees.
As shared by the folks over at Video Games Chronicle. Shuhei Yoshida gave his impressions on the recent Nintendo Switch 2 reveal in an interview with YouTuber MinnMax.
“I thought the Switch 2 announcement could have been a larger reveal… I was surprised there were not many surprises.” ~ Shuhei Yoshida
Yoshida mentions that the reveal felt more like a confirmation that the console existed than anything else. He’s right too. The reveal showcased precious little of the console’s actual specs or gaming prowess. Nintendo also didn’t share any unique features that the successor might boast. The first look was a look at a rendering of a device and it felt like the reveal lacked substance.
“I hope the next show, the beginning of April one they[Nintendo] will reveal something that’s still hidden to us.” ~ Shuhei Yoshida
That statement likely expresses the desires of all Nintendo fans waiting for the upcoming Nintendo Switch 2 direct in April. Waiting with bated breath and the hope that a console will be revealed that showcases that rare Nintendo flair. The company likely wants to play it safe and capitalize on the success of the Nintendo Switch but it would still be fun and exciting to have something that is uniquely Nintendo.
Nintendo announced their plans for supporting the Switch after the Switch 2 is released. The main takeaway being that they Switch will be supported so long as there is a demand for it. If you’d like to find out more click here.
For those who might want to hear more from Shuhei Yoshida, the full interview with YouTuber Minnmax is embeded below.