Your choice of amulet in Remnant 2 will completely define your gameplay style. The wrong amulet can pigeonhole you into a playstyle you don’t like, while the best amulets turn your survivor into a true post-apocalyptic warrior. There are many, many amulets you’ll find in the different biomes of Remnant 2, but these are our favorites.
Many of these amulets can be found early in the game, and all of them make certain gameplay styles totally viable by buffing your shooting, increasing mod damage, or lowering encumbrance so you can still roll in the heaviest armor sets in the game. Below we’ll explain all our favorite amulets, why they’re worth getting, and how to get them.
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Best Amulets
Rusted Navigator’s Pendant: Gives +15 HP, +15 Stamina, and -15 Encumbrance. Simple, useful amulet for the early game.
- Located in the Astropath’s Respite, N’Erud. This is a random location, so you may need to reset and explore the biome again through Adventure Mode.
Full Moon Circlet Amulet: Lifesteal 3% ranged damage and increases damage dealt by 20% when at full health.
- Located in the Imperial Gardens, Yaesha. Drop into one of the pit traps and find a hidden room in this zone to get the amulet. This is one of the best amulets for a ranged player.
Toxic Release Valve: Releases a damaging toxic cloud of gas after swapping out from an empty gun. Applies Corrosion damage and rapidly wipes out minor enemies. Extremely good for exploration and becomes incredibly powerful against bosses. Upgrade your AOE radius to deal even more damage easier. Use weapons with low capacity to unleash toxic gas ever 3 seconds.
- Located in the Dormant N’Erudian Facility, N’Erud. The amulet is behind a locked door. To get the key, progress deeper into the area until you find a ledge with a missing railing. Drop down from this ledge onto pipes below. Follow the pipes to an alcove with the amulet.
Core Booster Amulet: Increases Weakspot damage by +50% after killing an enemy. The effect lasts for 10 seconds. Extremely powerful against bosses that summon additional monsters — which is extremely common.
- Located in the Ascension Spire, N’Erud. Must acquire an item called the Memory Core 2 and use it near the entrance. To the left of the entrance, there’s a hole — go inside and use the key item.
Twisted Idol: Increases Armor by +30% and lowers Encumbrance by 15. Very useful for wearing heavy armor sets — making armor more effective and helping you retain a faster dodge.
- Located in Ward 13. It is randomly available for trade from the merchant Cass. Her inventory changes every 30 minutes.
One True King Sigil: Special amulet that increases Mod damage by 20% and increases the effects of two rings — Faelin’s Sigil or Faerin’s Sigil by 50%. You can equip both rings by running Losomn twice and earning each ring twice. When wearing all rings and fully powered up, your Mods become incredibly strong.
- Crafted at Nimue in Losomn by trading Faelin’s Sigil and Faerin’s Sigil. This uses up both rings, so you’ll be forced to collect the rings again to fully power-up the sigil.
- Faelin’s Sigil: Critical hits / Weakspot hits generate additional Mod Power. Rewarded by Faelin in Losomn if you choose to kill Faerin.
- Faerin’s Sigil: Critical hits / Weakspot hits generate additional Mod Power. Rewarded by Faerin in Losomn if you choose to kill Faelin.
Those are our picks for some of the best — and hardest to find — amulets in the game. These are versatile amulets that are good for most playstyles, but if you’re feeling tricky, there are crazier amulets to acquire. We’ll work on hunting them all down and update our guide with any new amulets that are worthy.