Found beneath Al Mazrah in Warzone 2.0‘s DMZ mode is an area called the Koschei Complex, a bunker that houses many secrets and gear. This area can only be accessed by going into Al Mazrah and going to one of the 4 entrances. Similar to Building 21, there is no assimilation here, the enemies are tough, and the players who decide to enter the compound are deadly. With so much great gear and items to find here, it makes sense. One of these exclusive items found in the Complex is the Heated Madness Weapon Blueprint for the Kastov-762. This exclusive Blueprint is just found on a desk or as part of the Weapon Case, but instead requires players to collect all of the parts of the weapon individually to gain access to the weapon. This guide will show players how to get the Heated Madness Weapon Blueprint from Koschei Complex in the DMZ mode of Warzone 2.0.
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How to Get the Heated Madness Weapon Blueprint In DMZ
There are a total of 5 parts to the Heated Madness Weapon Blueprint: The Barrel, Magazine, Optic, Muzzle, and Underbarrel. Only one of each of these parts spawns per game, so players will need to make sure they get to these parts as quickly as possible. Each of these parts comes in a small box with the name of the part appearing when the player looks at it. To unlock the part of the weapon, players will need to pick it up and then extract it from Koschei Complex.
Heated Madness Barrel
The Barrel of the Weapon Blueprint is found in the Chemical Plant at the center of the facility. This means that players are able to access this area no matter which entrance they go through. Depending on which entrance players access the Complex from, they will need to go through a special challenge to gain access to the Plant. This includes just getting a car battery and jumper cables to power a door to traverse a flooded wing of the facility. Check out Gameranx’s guide on how to open the bunker doors in Koschei Complex.
Once in the Chemical Plant, head to the center of the area where you will find two small storage rooms. In the area surrounding them is a series of vents that players can crouch through. In one of these vents is the Barrel for the Heated Madness.

Heated Madness Magazine
The Magazine can be found in the Defense Research Division area, which can be accessed via the Chemical Plant but is also a spawn location for players that enter from the secret Oasis entrance found at the top of the Al Mazrah map. Check out Gameranx’s guide on how to enter Koschei Complex. This area tasks players with going through 3 radiated rooms and closing bunker doors to seal off radiation leaks in order to reach the next room. The Heated Madness Magazine can be found behind one of these bunker doors or can be found behind a secret path that connects players directly to the Factory Admin, skipping the Chemical plant. To go through this secret path, players will need to find two keys to unlock a golden door found just beyond the final gas room. Check out Gameranx’s guide on how to open The Defense Research Division Secret Path in Koschei Complex.
Once through the secret passage, progress through the hall until you reach the open room shown in the image below. Players can find the Heated Madness Magazine leaning against a wall.

Heated Madness Optic
Similar to the Magazine, the Heated Madness Optic is best gone after by entering the Taraq Bridge entrance since it will take you to the flooded Barracks area. Progress through the area until you leave the first underwater section to find yourself in a hallway with a few armored guards and a sentry gun. Go all the way to the right of this area to find a piece of wood with a circled X drawn on it. Use any kind of explosive to destroy the wood and enter a secret area. There is another flooded area behind this board of wood which is where players will find the Optic.

Go into the water and search the rooms to your left, right, and the double doors at the end of the hallway. In one of these areas is the Heated Madness Optic. Make sure to return to the entrance for air since this area is fully flooded and won’t allow you to resurface.

Heated Madness Muzzle
The final two parts are found in the Alpha Cluster, an area found at the south of the facility that can only be accessed from the Chemical Plant and requires a car battery and jumper cables to power two bunker doors locking the area. Before going to the Alpha Cluster, stop by the storage rooms at the center of the Chemical Plant to find an R4D Detector. This piece of Tactical Equipment will be needed to find the Muzzle for the Heated Madness.

Head to the Alpha Cluster and go to the west end of the room up some stairs to find a sealed metal door behind two sentry guns with a keypad next to it. Take out the R4D Detector to see 3 Russian characters written above the keypad. Players will need to search the room for the code to figure out what numbers these symbols correspond with.

Around the Alpha Cluster are several chalkboards that look blank at first glance. Use the Detector to see the invisible writing on them. 3 of these chalkboards will translate the symbol into a number. As seen in the second image below, the first symbol above the keypad translates to 4.

You can search the room for all three numbers, but since you are able to attempt to open the code as many times as you want, the quickest way to do this is to find 2 numbers and then brute force the code by just filling in the last number with every number until it opens. Once the correct code is entered, the door will open and players will find the Heated Madness Muzzle on the ground.

Heated Madness Underbarrel
Also in the Alpha Cluster, there are 3 platforms around the room with giant servers in the center of them. Players will need to find 3 AQ Laptops in Koschei Complex and bring them to these towers. When a player approaches one of these servers with an AQ Laptop, a prompt will appear to connect the laptop. Connect an AQ Laptop to each of the 3 servers to unlock the room that the Heated Madness Underbarrel is in.

The door that has the Underbarrel is found at the east part of the Alpha Cluster shown in the first image below. Once the Laptops are all connected the door will be unlocked. Inside sitting between two of the cabinets is the Heated Madness Underbarrel.

With all the parts now collected, players can equip the Heated Madness Weapon Blueprint and can use it in both Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2.0. Stay tuned to Gameranx for future news, updates, and guides on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 as well as Warzone 2.0.