Just like its predecessors including its 2005 original, Resident Evil 4 Remake comes with several boss fights that will see Leon and the player truly push to the test as the greatest monsters found in this remote village are out for his head. The first boss fight in the game is the same as in the original game: the giant amphibious creature that lives beneath the lake, Del Lago. A salamander that was experimented on and injected with Las Plagas, the creature has grown to an impossible side and controls the lake of the village, unable to be controlled by Los Iluminados, and is kept docile with food consisting of the cult’s victims. Armed with just some harpoons and a rickety boat, some players might need some help in figuring out to deal with this creature from beneath the water. This guide will tell players how to defeat the Del Lago boss fight in Resident Evil 4 Remake.
How To Beat The Del Lago Boss Fight In Resident Evil 4 Remake
Del Lago is the boss encounter found at the end of Chapter 3 and, as the name would suggest, is fought while trying to cross the lake to find the key to the Church that Ashley is held in. After getting gas for the boat, Leon will start tom make his way across the water until the engine dies on him and its anchor gets caught on the Del Lago and starts to drag the boat around the lake. You are given unlimited harpoons to throw at the creature and are tasked with just doing damage to it while avoiding damage yourself. You can aim the harpoon to see its trajectory and then can either press the fire button or simply release the aim button to throw the harpoon at the creature.
While Del Lago drags you around the lake, players will also need to keep an eye out for the debris and driftwood found floating in the water as Del Lago will attempt to crash your boat into these objects and cause you damage. Avoid these obstacles by steering the boat out of the way. While being aware of your surroundings so that you don’t take damage is important, the main goal of this fight is to just keep hitting the creature when its body is above the water. Eventually, Del Lago will go under water and the boat will come to a halt. Scan your surroundings until you see the creature resurface. Del Lago will charge towards you with an open mouth to attempt to swallow your hole. You will need to throw a harpoon into its open mouth to stagger it and send it back underwater to stop this from happening. Failing to throw the harpoon into Del Lago’s mouth will start a quick time event where Leon will stab the creature’s open mouth to stop it from eating the boat. Completing this QTE will stop the boat from being eaten, but will do a lot of damage to it, so it’s best to make sure this doesn’t happen. Your boat’s health is shown in the bottom right of the screen, so if you find yourself taking a few hits, make sure you keep the integrity of the only thing separating you from the creature’s domain in mind.

This is the primary gameplay of the Del Lago boss fight: throw harpoons, dodge debris, and stop the creature from eating you whole. Do these three things and just keep doing damage until you reduce the creature’s health to 0. While Del Lago has no health bar, it will start to bleed more and more as its health gets lower, so keep an eye out for the damage on its body to try and get a feel for how much damage has been done to it. Eventually, you will kill Del Lago and a cutscene will start to bring the boss fight and Chapter 3 to a close as you will also unlock the Harpoon Hurler Achievement and Trophy.
Stay tuned to Gameranx for guides, tips, and tricks for Resident Evil 4 Remake.
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