To unlock the true power of the Inventor job in Octopath Traveler 2, you’ll need to search the continent for rare items. Some of these items can only be found in hidden treasure chests in obscure dungeons, or carried by powerful NPCs that’ll only drop their weapon if you use specific path actions. Tracking down the items for this job is a real pain — and JP is pointless, you can only earn new abilities by helping the inventor craft new gadgets. That makes this one of the best (and most annoying) Job classes in the game. If you’ve searched everywhere and need a helping hand pointing out the last locations, check out the item list below for exact instructions.
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All Inventor Skills | Crafting Item Locations
The Inventor is an Advanced Class located east of New Delsta on the New Delsta Highroad. Find the inventor’s house and talk to him to unlock the job. Instead of using JP, you’ll need to find items to deliver to the Inventor. Bring the right items and the Inventor will craft new gadgets — these gadgets become skills.
Finding all the items required to craft these skills can be difficult. Below, you’ll find locations for every item, broken up by each skill.

- Elemental Bomb Bottle: Deal the same type of damage as a single foe’s exposed elemental weak points 1 time.
- Fire Soulstone: New Delsta Flats – Sold by a random merchant in the Black Market. Vendor only appears at night. Swap between night & day to swatch vendors.
- Ice Soulstone: New Delsta Flats – Black Market. Same location.
- Thunder Soulstone: New Delsta Flats – Black Market. Same location.
- Rainbow Glass Bottle: Conning Creek: Harbor – Found in the beach area. In the back-left corner, open the gold chest.
NOTE: Both Earrings can also be found at a randomized vendor at the New Delsta Flats Black Market.

- Critical Scope: Turn all damage dealt to a single foe into critical damage for 4 turns.
- Unerring Earring: New Delsta – Sold in the weapon shop for 280 leaves.
- Critical Earring: Canalbrine – Sold in the weapon shop (on the water) for 280 leaves.

- Tin Horn: Fill the latent power gauge of all allies.
- Empowering Lychee: Found commonly in chests. If you don’t have any, use Throne or Partitio to steal / barter and purchase off NPCs in Tier 1 Towns.
- Tin Toy: Wellgrove – Found at Wellgrove Department Store — this unique store opens during Partitio’s Chapter 3 story. At night, use Osvald’s Mug Path Action at Night on the Merchant NPC. The Merchant is located on the second floor in the center.
- Mythical Horn: Nameless Village – In a chest in the Nameless Village, north of Western Tropu’hopu Traverse. Reach the village and find an NPC blocking the path to a small island on the water with a gold chest. The horn is in the chest.

- Hastening Hammer: Unleash a highly powerful physical attack on a single foe and reduce the crafting time on an invention by 1 turn.
- Soldier’s Bow: Clockbank – Sold by the Weapon’s Shop for 22,000 leaves.
- Great Blade: Stormhail – Inside the Tavern, use Osvald’s Mug Path Action at Night on the Elite Sanctum Knight NPC.
- Guardian’s Axe: Stormhail – In the same town, enter the Weapon Shop near the cemetery. Sold for 23,000 leaves.

- Arkar’s Coil: Restore 40% of a single ally’s HP, SP and grant them 1 BP. Incapacitated allies will also be revived.
- Scrap Metal: Clockbank: Industrial District – Use Throne’s Steal Path Action on the NPC standing outside the Weapon Shop during the Day. Can also be purchased with Partitio.
- Ancient Cog: Roque Island – Enter the main town area. Enter the house to the right of the Tavern at Night. Use Osvald’s Mug Path Action to take the Ancient Cog off the NPC inside.
- Natural Magnetite: Unfinished Tunnel – Inside the dungeon west of Crackridge. Enter the tunnel near the train tracks bridge. Inside, take the tracks down to find a gold chest in a hidden location.
For crafting all inventions, you’ll unlock the Divine Skill for this job.
- All-Purpose Tool: Begin crafting all inventions.
That’s all the inventions! With these skills, you’ll be able to support your party and deal damage while quickly resetting your inventions without spending multiple turns.