Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2‘s third mission, “Wetworks” will task you with sneaking your way onto a barge from the water, with also includes taking out all of the guards on the surroundings docks. In this mission, you have the chance to unlock an Achievement / Trophy called “Nessie.” To complete this challenge, you will need to make your way through the mission’s opening stealth sequence and reach the barge without getting spotted. To reach the barge, you will need to take out all of the guards in the surrounding area. This could be a pretty decent challenge, but with this article, you will be able to do so with no problem! This guide will explain to players how to get the Nessie Achievement and Trophy in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.
Nessie Achievement And Trophy Guide In Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
There are a total of 15 enemies that you will need to eliminate without getting spotted with many of them working in groups and watching each other’s backs. This means that you will need to be quick, precise, and have a plan. This guide will break down how to engage each of the docks and both patrol boats in the quietest way possible.
First Dock
Once you take control of Gaz at the start of the mission, you will have to swim to the dock directly in front of you. You can swim up to the lone guard on the dock and either take him down with one of your throwing knives or do a ledge takedown. Once this target is dead, you can loot a silenced pistol to help you with clearing the docks.

The Left Dock
Move beyond the previous dock and stick to the left. You will find a dock with three guards standing on it. Stay underwater and approach the dock from the far left, focusing on the guards to the left end of the docks. My strategy here is to take aim at the one in the middle of the three with your pistol and hit him with a headshot, followed by a quick throwing knife at the other nearby enemy. With these two taken care of, you should have no problem taking care of the last enemy on the dock.

Right Dock #1
To the right of this dock is another dock that only has a single guard stationed on it. This is pretty easy to clear and shouldn’t be too much of an issue, just keep an eye out for a patrol boat near here that might make things a bit more difficult. As long as you wait for the ship to pass, however, you should have no problem taking out this guard.

Right Dock #2
Continue up the waterway while sticking to the right and you will find another dock with two guards patrolling it. You can easily drop the one furthest to the right with a throwing knife or your pistol, leaving the final target open to any type of takedown you decide to use.

Both Patrol Boats
Now, let’s turn our attention to the patrol boats. There are two of them making their way around the water, both with two occupants. When tackling these boats, wait for them to reach an isolated position and then engage them the same way that you did with the first two guards on the left dock. Take aim at one of their heads and fire, then quickly kill the other enemy with a throwing knife. Do this quickly enough and you will not raise any alarms. Do this for both boats to clear the water.

Final Dock
The last dock is where the barge is located and because of that has the most guards at any single location. My approach to this dock is to go all the way to the left of the area, near the barge, and get up onto land. You will find yourself behind two of the guards. Drop them with a headshot and a quick throwing knife. From here it’s easy. Make your way further up the dock and take out the first guard since he should be isolated. This leaves one last guard that you can take out with a headshot from your pistol.

With all that done, you will have cleared the area without being spotted, you should have the Nessie Achievement / Trophy unlocked!
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