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There are a lot of characters to choose from in Overwatch 2. While the game keeps a lot of its heroes locked right off the bat, the entire cast of characters from the original game appears in the sequel as well as a handful of new additions. With 35 playable heroes and counting, it can be a little overwhelming to know how to play every hero without a little bit of help.
Obviously, you won’t be able to truly improve your skills without sitting down and actually playing the game, however, if you do some research on the characters you want to start maining before a play session, you’ll be able to hit the ground running when it comes time to start getting into matches. Use the information below to get to know Moira and her abilities before you start to help lead the way for your team to victory.
Moira is a Support hero in Overwatch 2, but if you play her right, she can be the difference between victory and defeat in a close match. While she’s a solid healer, she’s also more than capable of dishing out enough damage to nearly qualify her as a Damage character, something many in the game’s community consider her.
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Moira’s Abilities

As mentioned above, Moira is a Support hero that specializes in healing teammates and leaching health from the enemy. While it can be tempting to play her prioritizing aggression, Moira is at her best when she’s using her abilities to heal teammates while keeping the enemy from picking them off as they leave the front lines to be healed by her.
Biotic Grasp

Moira has two main functions: healing allies and leaching health off of enemies. With Biotic Grasp, she’s able to do both easily. When pulling RT, Moira shoots a yellow mist that heals all allies that she targets. She isn’t able to constantly spray, however, as she’s limited by the amount of biotic energy she has stored up. This is represented in-game by the meter that appears to the right of the reticle. If it runs out, she’ll need to wait for it to slowly recharge, or sap the life out of nearby enemies.
By pulling LT, Moira leeches health from enemies, damaging them in the process, healing her, and refilling her biotic energy levels. While not the most damaging of moves, it’s effective at both close and medium range. Additionally, the fact that she’s able to deal damage constantly without needing to reload while also healing herself makes her dangerous to take alone.

Make the most out of Moira’s Biotic Grasp by using a “dump and go” type strategy. Heal as many allies as possible while you’ve got biotic energy and then head into the fray of battle for a while to refill your meter. Once you’re good and ready to start healing again, return to them and replenish their health. Rinse and repeat for optimal results.
Ultimate: Coalescence

Moira’s Ultimate, Coalescence, is pretty straightforward. When activated, she fires a giant beam of light that heals allies while damaging enemies. Similar to Biotic Grasp, it heals Moira for any damage that she deals. The beam fires nonstop for eight seconds and, if timed right, can be exactly what’s needed to push through a choke point since it’s both a buff for teammates and a major threat to enemies.
While Coalescence isn’t able to take out enemies with giant health pools like Tanks, it poses a major danger to most Attack and Support heroes.
Biotic Orb

The Biotic Orb functions very similarly to Biotic Grasp in that it can deal damage to enemies or heal allies. When activated, Moira makes an orb in her hand and the player can select to make it either a healing or damaging orb. Once selected, Moira shoots it out in front of her where it will bounce off walls until it’s depleted.
Biotic Orb can heal or damage multiple allies or enemies at once so it’s ideal for use in large groups or when at objective areas that are enclosed or have plenty of walls to bounce off of. As the orb gets depleted, it’ll get smaller until it eventually disappears. It isn’t able to completely heal up or take out an entire team, but pairing it with Biotic Grasp can do a lot to fill Moira’s role as both a healer and a skirmisher.

Fade allows Moira to completely disappear for a few seconds and quickly move in any direction. She’s unable to deal any damage or heal anyone while invisible, but it’s an ability that serves as an easy way for her to reposition in a fight in order to gain the upper hand. Additionally, Fade can give Moira a quick out if a battle isn’t going her way and she needs to find some cover to hide behind while waiting to regroup with her teammates.
Although she isn’t invisible/invincible for long, it’s a great tool to use to confuse enemies and reset the tempo of a battle.
Moira’s Role in Combat

Moira is infamously known as a Support character that many play like a Damage character. While her build is definitely suited for dishing out damage, players who ignore the fact that she’s a healer are doing a major disservice to their teams. In ranked play you’re only allowed two healers so if one goes off to be a pseudo-Damage hero, they’re leaving a large portion of their team vulnerable.
Healing allies then breaking for a minute to get a refill on biotic energy by dealing with the enemy team and then returning to heal your team some more is the optimal way to play Moira. Given her aggressive kit, her place is on the front lines of combat and is useful for helping push through choke points with her Ultimate and her Bionic Orbs.
If you are planning on leaving the front lines in search of vulnerable enemies, Moira excels at skirmishes, so make sure you’re targeting enemies for a one-on-one fight in close quarters.