The cynical and genius scientist Rick Sanchez from, of course, Rick and Morty, comes with many different gadgets and moves that compliment his brawling style in the Warner Bros. platform fighter, MultiVersus. Just as Rick has several unique gadgets at his disposal, MultiVersus has a unique feature from other games in the genre: The Perk System. This system allows you to add to and improve a character with a myriad of different buffs and boosts. This system acts as one of the pillars of MultiVersus‘s core gameplay, giving players the ability to choose four perks that act as bonuses or buffs for their character from a collection of many different abilities. One is a “Signature Perk” that is unique to the character that you play while the other minor perks, which each character comes with their own set of that you can unlock as you level them up and will then be able shared between all the characters with the “Train Perk” feature. If you decide to pick up and play the character, you will still need to know which perks are good to use with his playstyle. This guide will explain some of the best perks to use with Rick in MultiVersus.
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Best Rick Perks In MultiVersus
The first and most important thing about finding the best perks for your characters is to understand their class and type, two categories that can help you understand how a character plays. Rick is a Horizontal-type Mage character, meaning that he is a character that focuses on using quick and hefty melee damage as their primary form of offense that sends enemies flying off the side of the stages. With that knowledge, we are going to build our perks for Rick around this style of character playstyle.
NOTE: Any references to buttons and inputs will be doing so with the default control scheme on a PlayStation controller.

Signature Perk: A Bit Of A Stickler Meeseeks (Unlocked at Rick Mastery Level 12)
Perk Slot 1: Utility- Coffeezilla (Unlocked with Perk Training at Rick Mastery Level 9)
Perk Slot 2: Offensive-Painted Target (Unlocked at Rick Mastery Level 2)
Perk Slot 3: Offensive- Make It Rain, Dog! (Unlocked with Perk Training at Rick Mastery Level 9)
A Bit of A Stickler Meeseeks is tied directly to Rick’s Neutral-Triangle attack “Meeseek and Destroy.” This move will see Rick summon a Meeseeks to help in combat, with the Signature Perk causing the attacks from this Meeseeks to have greater hitstun. This is not only a great boost for your combo potential but also works great with the Offensive perks that we are going to introduce to the build.
With the Signature Perk covered, let’s move on to not only one of the best Offensive perks that Rick is going to want to use. We will start with Painted Target. This is a perk that is tied to hitstun, and Rick has a few different attacks that can inflict a decent amount of hitstun, especially his improved Meeseeks attack that is tied to his Signature Perk. Painted Target will have you get an extra 5% increase in damage to enemies that are in hitstun with this perk being stacked giving you a 10% damage increase. The other Offensive perk is tied to the projectiles that make up much of his gameplay. Make It Rain, Dog! is a perk that will increase projectile speed by 20% when equipped with an increase of 25% when stacked with your partner. Since Rick has several ranged abilities, this is a great addition to a build.
Moving on to the two Offensive perks in this build, Let’s take a look at the Utility perk we are going to use with Rick and one that is as close as you can get to being a necessity for the character. Coffeezilla will provide you with 10% reduced ability Cooldown duration which increased to a 15% cooldown reduction when stacked with your teammate. Almost all of the Special moves that Rick can do via the Triangle button have a cooldown attached to them so it is an absolute no-brainer to use this perk.

While these are strong perks to use in a build for Rick, there are also several others that could work very well with the character if you find yourself wanting to experiment with other options outside the perks above. I’m going to start by pointing out that while I believe A Bit Of A Stickler Meeseeks is the best signature perk, Squanchin’ Pyrotechnics is also a great decision as it can turn your projectiles into being even more deadly. This is a perk that will increase the cooldown on your Portal ability called Basrick Portal Theory, which is Rick’s Side-Triangle. When the Portal is active, however, the portal becomes so much more powerful as a tool that can easily ignite enemies. When a teammate walks through the Portal, their next melee will have the added ability to Ignite an enemy player while projectiles that go through the Portal will also Ignite an enemy. Any enemy that walks through the Portal will also become Ignited.
To work in tandem with this perk, players could also look to equipping That’s Flammable, Doc! This perk will Ignite an enemy on fire for 1 second if you are able to hit them with a melee attack within 3 seconds of knocking them back with a projectile. This perk will Ignite an enemy on fire for 2 seconds when it is stacked. This will guarantee that your projectiles will start a fire even without your Portals. This can also work alongside the Hit ‘Em While They’re Down perk, which allows your team to do 5% increased damage and 10% increased damage when stacked to enemies with a debuff state. With Ignite being a debuff state and one that can be activated a lot with the two previously mentioned perks, this other Offensive perk could be a great addition to a build.
Moving onto a few perks that can help even more with ability cooldown, I’ll Take That is an Offensive perk that can work extremely well along with Coffeezilla as it will also cut down on your cooldowns even more. I’ll Take That will give you a 0.25-second refund on ability cooldowns when you hit a debuffed enemy with that refund going to 0.5 seconds when your team has the perk stacked. Another strong Offensive perk to use with a Mage character is Deadshot, which will give your team 5% increased damage with projectiles which will go up to 10% damage increase when stacked. Your team’s projectiles deal 7% increased damage to far away victims with an increase to 15% when stacked.
We will now take a look at some other Utility perks that could work with Rick, with the first one being a great bonus to the already fantastic Coffeezilla. This perk is called I Dodge You Dodge We Dodge, which will replenish 10% of an ability cooldown after dodging an attack, with that percentage going up to 15% when stacked. With a character that has so many moves that get put onto cooldown during their usual gameplay, having perks focused on cutting down on waiting for these abilities is a must to make sure you get access to all of your tools as much as possible. To cap it off, Triple Jump, which will get you an extra jump after hitting an enemy while in the air with your team just having a universal third jump when it is stacked, is a universally good perk to use in the game.
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