Jump into Call of Duty: Mobile to play the limited event Zombies Mode and you’ll find seven strange machines to interact with. If you’re new to the Zombies game mode, you probably won’t know what these machines actually do. To help your get up to speed, you’ll find a full list of perk machines and their special effects below.
The new Zombies Mode map in Call of Duty: Mobile is actually a lot simpler than most. You won’t have to turn on power, and most of the map can be unlocked by simply collecting points and spending them to unlock new areas. There are some exceptions though — you can actually unlock a large new section of the map by fixing an elevator. Learn all about this secret on the full Shi No Numa Easter Egg guide here.
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How Perk Machines Work | Special Effects & Buffs

There are 7 perk machines. Five are available on the upper area of the map, and the last two are only found in the lower section.
How To Access The Lab: To reach the lower levels of the map, collect the two gear parts from the bottom floor of the main building, and use them to repair the broken shack panel.
Perk Machines give special buffs to the player. The buffs are permanent upgrades you’ll keep for the entire session. Some are more useful (and expensive) than others. Here’s what each machine actually does.
- Quick Revive: Gives you 1 Self-Revive Token and speeds up reviving downed teammates.
- Deadshot Daquiri: Auto-aim locks onto the head instead of the chest. Also lowers recoil and scope sway when aiming.
- Double Tap 1.0: 33% increase to fire rate on all weapons.
- Juggernog: Increases your maximum health. You’ll take more hits before you’re downed.
- Speed Cola: 50% faster reloading on all weapons. Also makes building window barriers faster.
- Stamina Up: 7% faster movement speed, and 100% increase in sprint duration.
- Electric Cherry: Generates an electric shockwave when you reload that stuns zombies. The blast radius increases the less bullets you have when reloading.
You can’t pick them all — and some are more useful than others. Anything that increases your movement speed and damage is best for experienced players, while less-experienced players will want to get the Juggernog first! Anything that helps you stay alive longer is great.