Destiny 2: Crown of Sorrow Raid Guide | Table of Contents
- Encounter #1: Menagerie Depths – Dispel The Hive Ward
- Encounter #2: Kingdom of Sorrow – Parkour Puzzle
- Encounter #3: Kingdom of Sorrow – Gahlran’s Deception
- Encounter #4: Gahlran, The Sorrow Bearer [Final Boss]
Encounter #4: Crown of Sorrow – Gahlran, The Sorrow Bearer
- WARNING: Before starting this battle, make sure you have VERY HIGH LIGHT level, or multiple Warlocks to lay down an endless string of Well of Radiance.
The final boss appears in the same arena you just cleared. This massive creature introduces even more complicated mechanics to the raid. Strap in.
Starting this encounter is simple — just shoot the giant boss monster. That will activate the battle, and lock you in. Like the previous encounters, you’ll have to deal with ‘Witch’s Blessing‘ buffs.
Team Setup: Just like before, and since the very beginning, you’ll want to split the team into three groups of two Guardians each — each team should have a non-buffed player and a buffer player.
The giant boss monster and swarms of enemies will spawn on all three corners of the arena once it is activated. The giant monster copies itself, and appears on all three sides. Like before, some enemies can only be killed by buffed players, and others can only be killed by non-buffed players.
Destroying Crystals: As you wipe out the enemy hordes, crystals will spawn. Send a single team (buffed + non-buffed) to rush these shielded crystals and destroy them. Like in previous encounters, the crystals charge team-wipe attack. Destroy them fast!
- ALERT: After you destroy 3 crystals, special enemies called Cursed Thralls will spawn. These enemies are -strong-. Take them out right away! Only buffed players can destroy these enemies.
Dealing With ‘Witch’s Curse’: Just like in the first encounter, you’ll need to use the purple orbs to swap ‘Witch’s Blessing‘ buff from one character to another. This resets the countdown. As you fight the boss, you’ll need to swap the buff to your non-buffed partners or you’ll die. Shoot the orbs while standing in the circle to swap.
When the Cursed Thralls spawn, two Ogres will spawn after them. Destroy these ogres with non-buffed players ASAP.
Killing The Axe Boss: Find the double-axe boss. Find one standing at any of the three corners. Send a team to this boss — non-buffed and buffed. Melee attack him like before to break his shield when he’s (relatively) close to the giant monster in the background.
After breaking the shield, retreat to the center — the axe boss will be stunned. Look toward him and at the giant monster — the giant’s hand will glow. Shoot that hand, and the giant will slam down on the axe boss, killing it.
The goal? Kill all three axe bosses at each corner to make the final boss vulnerable. While doing all this, you’ll need to shoot the crystals, swap the buff, kill the Thralls and Ogres, and just try to stay alive.
How To Damage The Giant: To reach the damage phase, you need to kill all three axe bosses. This begins the vulnerable phase — there is one real giant and two fakes. You need to find the fakes and reveal the real one.
All three will raises their hands and their eyes will glow. Shoot the glowing hands first — each of the three teams should take a different section. Shoot down the hands, then target the eyes. The fakes will disappear, and the real one will remain.
Once the real giant is revealed, swap the buff so you’re prepared. You’ll know when to swap because a crystal will spawn near the real giant.
The one and only Gahlran will raise his hands for an attack. Shoot both hands down and shoot the glowing eye. Finally, finally, you can damage the boss for real. He’ll continue to try attacking by raising his glowing hands — shoot them down when he starts to raise them to get a few more seconds of damage.
After the damage phase is over, you just need to rinse and repeat until the boss is defeated. Nothing else changes, it’s just a marathon to an extremely difficult finish line. Goodluck out there, Guardians.
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