Rod Fergusson Gets Asked About Diablo 5
Will Diablo 4 be eternal?
Collecting heads for big rewards in the Season of Witchcraft.
Delve into Dark Citadel for one-of-a-kind loot. Here's when you'll unlock it.
Here's how to grind for max level loot in Diablo 4.
Bleed this vampire dry of all his Unique loot.
The best unique in Vessel of Hatred doesn't have to be impossible to get.
Solve the Spiritborn class quest puzzles with these solutions.
Gain powerful NPC allies to help your Solo run in Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred.
...but then Xbox bought them and...
Strike with the power of the Eagle.
Get all the Angelbreath you'll ever need in Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred.
Start smashing demons in the jungle with these early steps.
Playing as the Spiritborn right from the very start.
The pesky duping bug persists.
The new class is entirely new for the series.
Plenty of bug fixes are on the way to prepare for Season 5.
Blizzard knows what the people want, apparently.
It almost sounds like the game will be more fun now.
Diablo IV itself is going through some changes to improve its live service.
Who knew this hellish world could look so pretty?
Diablo 4's latest season is running with a novel idea.