Pennsylvania May Soon Tax Video Games Featuring Violence
Will a violent games bill tax pass?
Will a violent games bill tax pass?
When one upgrade isn't enough. Create the final form of the 'Dead of the Night' Wonder Weapon with these steps. You'll have to hunt a whole lot of vampires.
Yes, there’s another secret song to unlock in ‘Dead of the Night’ — like every Zombies map in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 you can find hidden collectibles to play a song for everyone on your server. Also like certain secrets, this Easter egg is only available if you play in Online Mode. You …
Here's something you'll never find on your own -- a hidden crossbow Wonder Weapon in 'Dead of the Night'. Here's how to unlock the bunker and claim it.
Solve every tomb puzzle with this guide.
Score a free copy of Lego: The Hobbit right now.
Big name third-party titles will start coming out for the platform.
Here is everything you need to know to complete the latest Destiny 2 raid.
Ready for one crazy night?
Now we can play the game a week earlier!
Ready for the epic finale?
Solve the story and complete your adventure in 'Dead of the Night' with our complete Easter egg guide, walking you through every agonizing step of this challenging puzzle.
Transform the Alistair's Folly Wonder Weapon into the Chaos Theory. All it takes is a pile of Silver Bullets and a dead Werewolf to loot.
Check out what the update brings.
Looks like the demo will not save your progress for the full game release.
This looks like a major smash hit in the making!
The holiday season has begun!
Spread comfort and joy in Destiny 2 with the unlockable Dawning Cheer sparrow. All you have to do is bake a whole bunch of cookies -- here's how it all works.
World of Light is a gargantuan new singleplayer mode for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Here's everything you need to know to win.