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The boss of the Jabul Ruins Dungeon has some tricks up its sleeve — Zelda can’t just hang back from this battle; you’ll need to get your hands dirty to defeat Vocavor. This giant fish monster summons whirlpools and spinning vortex attacks to blow Zelda back. The vortex attacks will instantly destroy your echoes, so be quick on the trigger to summon more and deal constant damage. Monsters like the Chompfish — which you’ll find in the Jabul Ruins dungeon — are very useful for this fight.
Learn how to earn hearts and how to damage this monster with our full boss guide below.
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Boss: Vocavor

Remember that fish from the start of the dungeon? It’s back and ready to fight. Like the first encounter, it summons a series of vortex attacks that destroy anything they touch. Stay in the center and dodge up and down to avoid them. Use the bubbles to refill Zelda’s oxygen.
After summoning the vortex attacks, Vocavor will take a break. While it stops, summon Chompfin above it. Chompfin will attack the blue boils on its back. Those are the weak points. Defeat all of them and the boss will be stunned. Switch to Swordfighter Mode while the boss is stunned and keep attacking!
The boss will perform a spin attack if you’re too close and will launch homing projectiles from far away between vortex attacks. Summon Chompfin or two Tanglers to absorb the homing attacks for you. Repeat the cycle, destroy the blue bulbs and attack the weak point to start phase 2.
Boss: Vocavor Phase 2

In Phase 2, Vocavor drains the waters from the two center platforms, but you’ll need to stay in the water. It still summons vortex attacks — and more frequently, so you’ll need to stay in the water to dodge them.
Vocavor also stays out-of-the-water when summoning. To hit the creature, summon flying creatures like Guay or Needleflies to attack it. It will flip over after its vortex attack, allowing Zelda to attack the bulbs in Swordfighter Form if she jumps.

In Phase 2, it will also spawn a giant vortex on the lower level. Stay in the upper level whenever you can and keep summoning Chompfish. When Vocavor swims in the lower area, Chompfish will be able to catch and destroy bulbs — making each sequence a little shorter.
Like other boss fights, only briefly switch to Swordfighter Mode when the boss weak point is revealed. Use your other monsters to help — if you’re lucky, they’ll deal extra damage while you’re attacking.
Destroying the bulbs on the boss’s back will often drop hearts. Keep attacking those bulbs and avoiding vortex attacks until this boss is defeated totally.
And that’s everything you need to know about beating Vocavor. Destroy the boss to earn a full Heart Container, x5 Might Crystals and level up Tri. That’s one dungeon down, time to explore Hyrule to find more dungeons — and more bosses.