The very first image ever seen in the Star Wars universe was the space above the desert planet of Tatooine. In Star Wars Outlaws, we get to once again explore the very orbit that the Millennium Falcon jumped out of to truly set the saga in motion. When exploring the Tatooine Orbit, there isn’t much to find but there are a couple of Treasures to be discovered and they aren’t available right away. So, let us show you how to get them! This guide will show players where to find all Tatooine Orbit Treasure locations in Star Wars Outlaws.
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All Tatooine Orbit Treasure Locations in Star Wars Outlaws
The Tatooine Orbit area is by far the smallest space area in the game, consisting of just a single region known as Battle Aftermath and having only 2 Treasures to discover. The important thing to note about this area is that it won’t be available the first time you jump into the system. Upon arriving at the Tatooine System, there will be a battle between the Pyke Syndicate and the Hutt Cartel. During this fight, the Battle Aftermath area won’t be available. Land on the surface of Tatooine and then go back into Tatoonie Orbit. The fight will be over and Battle Aftermath can now be found in the southwest corner of the area. Here is a full breakdown of where to find all of Tatooine Orbit’s Treasures.
NOTE: Even though there are no cardinal directions in space, we will still use them in this guide. North is the top part of the map, east is the right side of the map, south is the bottom part of the map, and west is the left side of the map.
Battle Aftermath #1 – Amber Cover Finish Trailblazer Paint Job
The first of two Treasure Chests found in Tatooine Orbit is found between the Imperial Satellite and the Battle Aftermath text shown on the map. Go up from the destroyed ship and Satellite to find this Treasure Chest amongst the wreckage. Inside the chest is the Amber Cover Finish Paint Job cosmetic for your spaceship, the Trailblazer.

Battle Aftermath #2 – On the Run 03 Transmission Collectible
Go directly to the west of the previous container and go under the wreckage of a ship to find a small, cylinder-shaped Treasure Chest with the On the Run 03 Transmission collectible found inside.

You can now find the 2 Treasure locations in Tatooine Orbit in Star Wars Outlaws. Stay tuned to Gameranx for more news, updates, and guides for Star Wars Outlaws and other great games in the future.