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- All Mirogana Treasure Locations in Star Wars Outlaws
- Pyke Syndicate Vault – Imperial Speeder Paint Job and Target Tariff Sabacc Shift Token
- Jordana’s Stash – Commando Helmet Speeder Trophy
- Crimson Dawn Vault – Crimson Reign Speeder Paint Job
- Che Mosskà Nix Treat
- Pyke Cardroom – Free Draw, Markdown, and General Audit Sabacc Shift Tokens
- Home Unit D26 – 3x Chak-Root
- Kerro’s Speakeasy – Bandit Mask Speeder Trophy
- Maintenance Room – Sweeper Droid Speeder Trophy
- Bosnok’s Parlor – The Score Vehicle Trinket

Each area that you visit in Star Wars Outlaws has several hidden Treasures that can be tracked down. Each Treasure Chest has some exclusive items that can range from collectibles to cosmetics to even crafting materials and Credits. Allow us to help you find all of these Treasure Chests in Mirogana City, the first major hub area that you will visit in your galaxy-spanning adventure. This guide will show players how to find all of the Mirogana Treasure Locations in Star Wars Outlaws.
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All Mirogana Treasure Locations in Star Wars Outlaws
There are a total of 9 Treasures that can be found in Mirogana City and you can get them in any order. Some chests can just be found by knowing where to find it and just going there but some require you to get certain items or abilities to access. Here is a full breakdown of how to get each of the 9 Treasures found across Mirogana.
Pyke Syndicate Vault – Imperial Speeder Paint Job and Target Tariff Sabacc Shift Token
The Syndicates and gangs that you work with across the galaxy have several vaults that you can break into. Each of these Vaults has a Treasure Chest with fantastic rewards inside. Mirogana is home to two Vaults, one for the Pyke Syndicate and the other for the Crimson Dawn. We will start with the Pykes since they are the first gang you come across in Star Wars Outlaws. Gameranx has a full guide on how to open the Pyke Syndicate Vault so if you want a more in-depth breakdown on how to gain access to this secured stash, make sure to check that out. You will find the entrance to the Pyke Syndicate Vault in an alleyway at the east end of Mirogana’s Pyke-controlled District. You will be able to just walk into the area if your Reputation with the Pykes is at least “Good.”
You can also sneak through a vent near the entrance of the district or squeeze through a gap in the wall at the end of the alleyway next to the Mirogana Market and behind the Black Market Smuggler you talk to for the “Rejected” Intel Chain. Once in the area, go to the alley right to the east of the Black Market entrance and you’ll find a vent guarded by a security camera. Disable the camera and hack the vent open with your Data Spike. Once through the vent, you will find a Vault along with a terminal telling you where to find 3 Keycards to open the Vault.

Here is where to find all 3 Keycards:
- Tizlak’s Vault Keycard: Found on a small ledge overlooking the maintenance room of the Pyke Syndicate Workshop in The Mirage region.

- Jinnjo’s Vault Keycard: On the table in the Pyke Stockroom in The Lost Steppe region.

- Gorak’s Vault Key: In the Operations Building at the top of the hill in the Pyke Poaching Station at the bottom southwest of the Lost Steppe region.

Once you have all 3 Keycards, you can return to the vault and use them to disable the shield. You will find a small crate inside with crafting materials along with the Treasure Chest that has the Imperial Speeder Paint Job and the Target Tariff Shirt Token used in the Sabacc card game.

Jordana’s Stash – Commando Helmet Speeder Trophy
There is a platform that can be climbed on the landing pad that you went to sneak into the air vent to access the Vault. This is right next to the switch that Nix needs to hold to turn off the fan. On this platform is a Treasure Chest with the Commando Helmet Speeder Trophy.

Crimson Dawn Vault – Crimson Reign Speeder Paint Job
The second Vault found in Mirogana is controlled by the Crimson Dawn and just like with the Pykes, we have a full guide on how to open this vault as well. You can find this Vault by entering the Crimson Dawn District behind the Soup Kitchen all the way in the north of Mirogana City. Pass through the Soup Kitchen with a “Good” or higher Reputation or sneak through a vent to the left of the bar that leads to the Soup Kitchen. Once inside, go to the Restricted landing pad to the northeast and disable a fan by having Nix hold down a switch. You will then have a few seconds to get into the vent.
Once inside, go through the hole in the left wall and drop down in the Vault room where you will once again be able to access a computer to show you where the Keycards to disable the stash’s shield can be found. Make sure to also grab the Renpalli Station Keycard on the table at the center of the room since you will need it to get one of the Vault Keycards.

Here is where to find all 3 Keycards:
- Eleera’s Vault Keycard: Found on a table at the bottom of an elevator in the Restricted area of the Crimson Dawn Hideout at the eastside cliffs of The Grazing Fields.

- Zafi’s Vault Keycard: Go to the maintenance room of the Shipkacker Workshop in The Lost Steppe region and get to the platform with a shield blocking a small stash room. Destroy the nearby generator and you will find this keycard inside.

- Odana’s Vault Key: After the “False Flag” Story Quest, you will be able to fly in the Toshara Orbit. Head to Renpalli Station and take the elevator out of the hangar you land in. Once on the new floor, stick to the left wall and use the Renpalli Station Keycard to open a door to a small room with the Keycard inside.

Bring the Keycards back to the Vault and disable the shield to get this Treasure Chest. Inside the Chest is the Crimson Reign Speed Paint Job.

Che Mosskà Nix Treat
In the Market District of Mirogana, there are a few different stands and vendors that have set up shop outside the Soup Kitchen which leads to the Crimson Dawn’s District. One of these stands lets you sit down and enjoy a classic Toshara dish of Che Mosskà. Spend 200 Credits and you will get to share this meal with Nix. After a series of Quick Time Events, you will unlock Che Mosskà as a Nix Treat, which will give Nix the ability to kick grenades away from Kay.

Pyke Cardroom – Free Draw, Markdown, and General Audit Sabacc Shift Tokens
Under the southern entrance of the Pyke District is a table where 3 Pyke members are playing the card game Sabacc. This table will force you to play with the Free Draw, Markdown, and General Audit Shift Tokens. Win your first match at this table and you will get these tokens for your deck.

Home Unit D26 – 3x Chak-Root
If you enter the Pyke District with at least a “Good” Reputation, you will be able to sit at a table next to the Sabacc Pyke Cardroom and eavesdrop on a conversation two criminals are having nearby. They will mention that some stuff from one of their jobs is being kept in an apartment nearby and requires a Data Spike to break in.

Go over to the alleyway where you found the vent that leads to the Pyke Syndicate Vault. Next to the vent is the door that you need to open with your Data Spike. Once inside, you will find Home Unit D26 at the end of the hallway. and inside is where you’ll find this Treasure.

Kerro’s Speakeasy – Bandit Mask Speeder Trophy
Kerro’s Speakeasy is a closed establishment right across the street from Makal’s Gambling Parlor. You will find a Corrupt Imperial Officer leaning next to the building’s locked door. You can get into the Speakeasy by going down the alley next to the Officer and sneaking in through the nearby vent. The Treasure inside is behind a shield that can only be hacked with the Slicing Kit Ability. Check out our guide on how to get the Slicing Kit. Once you have the Kit, complete the hack and you will find this Treasure in the corner of the now-accessible backroom. Inside this chest is where you will find the Bandit Mask Speeder Trophy.

Maintenance Room – Sweeper Droid Speeder Trophy
Go to the southwest away from Makal’s Gambling Parlor and go down a staircase until you reach the bottom. Instead of following the path forward out of Mirogana, turn around and take that path to the left of the stairs to the north. Keep your eyes along the left wall and there will be a small space that you can squeeze through near some pallets.

Once you’re through the space, you can go through a nearby vent to find several Sweeper Droids throwing a party in their Maintenance Room. In the corner of this small room is the Treasure Chest with, appropriately, a Sweeper Droid Speeder Trophy.

Bosnok’s Parlor – The Score Vehicle Trinket
After the “False Flag” Story Quest, you will be able to do the “Shadow of Deceit” Sabacc Mission which will introduce Highroller tables of the addicting card game. Upon winning the Sabacc game that is part of “Shadow of Deceit,” you will start the “High-Stacks Showdown” Quest which will point you in the direction of skilled Sabacc players. The one in Mirogana is in a place called Kaslo’s, but the door that the icon leads to is locked. Go down the alleyway to the northwest of the objective marker and follow it outside. You will need to swing across a gap to reach a back entrance to the parlor.

You will find your new friend Bosnok playing Sabacc. Since leaving Fuel Station Visavi, he has quickly proved himself to be quite the cardshark. Defeat him for the first time and you will get The Score Vehicle Trinket.

With all that said, you now know how to find all 9 Mirogana Treasure locations in Star Wars Outlaws. Stay tuned to Gameranx for more news, updates, and guides for Star Wars Outlaws and other great games in the future.