Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 introduces a new type of campaign level known as Open Combat Missions. These levels take the familiar linear and cinematic Call of Duty mission and turn it on its head, becoming more open and giving the player the freedom to approach objectives in different ways. In each of these missions, there are Supply Boxes with weapons and Field Upgrades that you can collect to expand your arsenal for that level. Collecting every weapon and item from these Supply Boxes in every Open Combat Mission will unlock the Gearhead Achievement and Trophy. The first OCM is Mission 2: Precious Cargo. When Alex and Farah go to the harbor to collect missiles, they are attacked by Makarov’s Konni Group. This guide will show players where to find all Supply Boxes with Weapons and Items in Mission 2: Precious Cargo in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.
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All Precious Cargo Supply Box Locations In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
There are a total of 21 Supply Boxes found in Mission 2: Precious Cargo in Modern Warfare 3, including 17 unique weapons and 4 Field Upgrades. When a player looks at their TacMap, all of the locations will be marked by a gun icon or a gear icon for Weapons and Field Upgrades, respectively, when the Supply Box is opened. Upon discovering a Supply Drop for the first time, it will be marked on the map with a gold case with a question mark in the center. These cases can be discovered in any order. Below is the breakdown of where to find all the weapons and items in Mission 2: Precious Cargo in Modern Warfare 3.

Supply Box #1: Silenced WSP Swarm (Weapon)
Once you take control of Farah, go to the dump truck in front of you. You will find a shipping container that you can open and enter. On the left side of the container is the first Supply Box.

Supply Box #2: MTZ-556 (Weapon)
You’ll find this weapon directly to the right of the first Supply Box in the same shipping container.

Supply Box #3: Snapshot Pulse (Field Upgrade)
Step out of the cargo container and go to the southeast. You will find a warehouse where you can find some supplies and an Armor Plate Carrier Upgrade. Along with these items, you will find a Supply Box in the northwest corner of the room carrying your first Field Upgrade.

Supply Box #4: 556 Icarus (Weapon)
In the same warehouse, go to the northwest corner of the building to find another Supply Box right next to the Plate Carrier Upgrade.

Supply Box #5: Explosive Victus XMR (Weapon)
Head to the Harbormaster’s Building at the southeast part of the map. This is the building where you will find the Manifest objective for the main mission. Head up to the roof of the building and you will find this Supply Box.

Supply Box #6: Munitions Box (Field Upgrade)
Now head to the ground floor of the Habormaster’s Building. In the room that leads to the back entrance, you will find this Supply Box.

Supply Box #7: RPK (Weapon)
Go to the 3rd Floor and enter the middle room facing the northwest. Inside this room room is a Supply Box.

Supply Box #8: Pulemyot 762 (Weapon)
Still on the 3rd Floor, go to the southmost room on the floor as shown in the map below. You will find the Supply Box carrying this LMG inside.

Supply Box #9: Silenced ISO Hemlock (Weapon)
With the Harbormaster’s Building now complete, go to the northwest of this position to find another small building. Inside you will find another Supply Box.

Supply Box #10: Hybrid STB 556 (Weapon)

Supply Box #11: Silenced Expedite 12 (Weapon)
Head back to the southwest corner of the level to find a collection of stacked cargo containers. In this cluster of containers, you will need to make your way to the bottom left part of this area. You will see a crate open on the second level that you can jump into with a ledge grab.

Supply Box #12: RGL-80 (Weapon)
Head to the ship at the north part of the map that you will need to explore to find the GPS Tracker for the level’s main objective. The Wheelhouse is found at the eastmost part of the ship. On the first floor of this area is a Loadout Drop marked on the map. Go to this room to find this Supply Box right next to it.

Supply Box #13: KVD Enforcer (Weapon)
Go to the room where you find the GPS Tracker and then go through the right door to find this Supply Box.

Supply Box #14: PILA (Weapon)
Head back to the warehouse where you found Supply Boxes #3 and #4 and get onto the roof to find this Supply Box.

Supply Box #15: BAS-B (Weapon)
Go to the cluster of cargo containers on the northwest part of the map. Climb on top of the containers and go to the center of the cluster to find this Supply Box.

Supply Box #16: GS Magna (Weapon)
Go to the west end of the same collection of cargo containers and drop down to the ground. You will find this Supply Box in the middle of a square of containers.

Supply Box #17: Incendiary Bryson 800 (Weapon)
Back on the ship, go to the locations marked on the map below, just in front of the wheelhouse. There is a door that is open that leads to a side room that has this Supply Box.

Supply Box #18: Silenced Rival 9 (Weapon)
Go to the containers right above the warehouse that Supply Box #14 was found on top of. Among these containers, you will find this Supply Box.

Supply Box #19: Recon Drone (Field Upgrade)
You will find an open container right to the west of the previous Supply Box with this item inside.

Supply Box #20: Heartbeat Sensor (Field Upgrade)
You can find this item in the cargo container marked on the map below in the southwest container cluster.

Supply Box #21: Signal 50 (Weapon)
Go to the crane found just south of the Wheelhouse of the ship in the northeast part of the map. Use the ladder to reach the platform shown in the image below to find the final Supply Box.

You have now collected all the weapons and items in Supply Boxes in Mission 2: Precious Cargo in Modern Warfare 3. You can check out all of the Supply Boxes for the next Open Combat Mission, Reactor. Stay tuned to Gameranx for future news, updates, and guides for Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone.