Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom has been out for a little while now, and as is to be expected, Nintendo has been quick to address some of the small issues that have tarnished the diamond so to speak. Patches and their respective notes are commonplace nowadays, but it’s nice to see a Triple-A game launch in a functional state after the travesties that launched in 2023.
We are going to quickly go over some Patch Notes and more importantly, we are going to touch on the biggest changes that have come from them. Heck, we will even walk you through avoiding this patch if you want to be a little bit sneaky (more on that, and why, in a bit). Let’s dive right in.
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Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom Patch Notes 1.1.2
Here are the official Patch Notes released by the ‘Big N’ themselves.
- Fixed an issue where the sound would play at an extremely high volume in certain conditions.
Additional Fixes
- Fixed an issue in the main quest, “Camera Work in the Depths”, where players could not progress beyond a certain point. Downloading the update will allow players to proceed past that point.
- Several issues have been addressed to improve the gameplay experience.
These notes are very vague on what they have done. Of course, fixing audio bugs is nice, as is fixing a broken quest. However, “Several issues have been addressed to improve the gameplay experience.” is not very forthcoming.
What Has The 1.1.2 Patch Changed – Duplication Be Gone
Unfortunately, if you were one of those people who used the Duplication Glitch that was found early on in Tears Of The Kingdom’s life, you will no longer be able to use it. All methods have been patched out as far as we are aware. This doesn’t mean it’s gone forever, as we are certain someone will find another way to get rich quickly. For the time being, you are stuck to playing legit…or are you?
How To Avoid The Patch
If you really want to avoid losing the ability to duplicate items, then all you have to do is not download this patch. Disconnect your switch from the internet and play the game in all of its diamondy lustre. You will have to contend with the above audio and quest issues, but you’ll have infinite money. Pick your poison, Hero.
That’s all we have for Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom for now. Be sure to check out our other content for more tips, tricks, guides, and lists.