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Since 2020, the co-op survival game Grounded has been a fan favorite. Players are shrunken down to the size of insects and must try to stay alive in their own backyard by finding helpful materials and fighting enemies from spiders to bees. Earlier this year, Obsidian Entertainment released the game’s last major content update, but a new patch is addressing some irritating issues.
Update 1.4.1 is available now and includes fixes to Grounded‘s respawn mechanic and many other pieces of gameplay. It also includes a fix to the Microsoft Account login screen, which has been displaying the wrong error message. Plenty of optimization upgrades and performance boosts are included as well.
See the full Update 1.4.1 patch notes for Grounded below:
- Players no longer respawn with a dark screen for 3 seconds after dying to a boss and respawning in Single player.
- Creatures involved in base attacks or Waft Emitter attacks no longer freeze up for clients when arriving.
- Boss shout attacks and Wasp Drone shouts in New Game+ no longer trigger infusion AOE attacks on anything their shout hits.
- Milk Molar upgrades for clients properly carry over when activating New Game+.
- Bases no longer load in with some structures incorrectly noting that they are supporting the entire base.
- Fixed the Microsoft Account login screen incorrectly showing the wrong environment error (fixed in prior hot fix build).
- Increased damage reduction amount for the random trinket status effect “+Damage Resist” from 10% to 50%.
- You can activate text chat via the gamepad on consoles.
- Improved performance across the game in general.
- Improved performance when playing in Multiplayer mode.
- Reduced memory usage across the game.
- Playgrounds with lots of links will run with better performance when in Play mode.
- Improved rendering performance inside interior spaces on lower settings.
- Fixed crash that could occur sometimes after looting a dead pet and an autosave triggers.
- Fixed crash that could occur when completing a conversation.
- Fixed crash that could occur when a client rejoins a game where their last saved data was while they were knocked out.
- Fixed crash that could occur when a client loads into a yard with bases built.
- Fixed crashes that could occur randomly during playthroughs.
- Voice Chat settings properly reapply after closing and reopening the game.
- Loading a game while in the Pond Lab no longer shows an underwater effect onscreen.
- A few pieces of the oak lab roots no longer pop out at a short distance on Low settings.
- Lighting properly transitions if a defense event is active.
- Pond lab cutscene properly works for clients who are far away when the cutscene activates.
- Duplicating infused weapons properly copy over the random effect.
- Improved water quality on low settings.
- Clients no longer get a Raw Science notification immediately on join.
- Siren lights near the Black Anthill boss fight properly animate when in view.
- The water fog when looking outside of the Pond Lab dome no longer pops in and out.
- Improved performance in the various labs that are displaying a camera feed to a door you unlock.
- Reduced the amount of art popping that happens in interiors.
- Playgrounds properly load on the Switch.
- Host and Client mics are properly detected if they don’t have their mics connected into the Switch when joining a game and later connect one.
First announced by Xbox Game Studios at X019 in November 2019, Grounded was released for Steam’s early access and Xbox Game Preview on July 28, 2020. The game finally saw a full release on September 27, 2022 and is now available for PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Nintendo Switch.