Fortnite Chapter 3: Season 4 is known as Paradise. Throughout the season, Epic Games has continued to keep the loot pool fresh by making a lot of new additions. So far, we have welcomed in the Cobra DMR and the Goo Gun, with the Dial a Drop being the latest item for you to pick up. This guide will show you where you can find the Dial a Drop and how to use it to your advantage.
The Dial a Drop does exactly what the name suggests. You use the device to call in a Supply Drop filled with useful resources that will spawn at your location.
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How to get and use the Dial a Drop in Fortnite
As the Dial a Drop has joined the regular loot pool, you can find one by simply looting. Open as many chests as you can and be on the look out for one on the ground as floor loot. The Dial a Drop is rare, so you may not encounter one too often.
When you use the Dial a Drop, you’ll be presented with three different drops to choose from:
- Standard: Calls in a regular Supply Drop that fans will be familiar with and it contains a mixture of weapons and health items.
- Vehicle: Spawns in a vehicle with a Cow Catcher and Off-Road Tires attached.
- Healing: Calls in a Supply Drop just containing items to replenish your health and shields.
Each Supply Drop is useful for certain situations. If you need a vehicle to travel across the island or escape the storm, calling one in with the Dial a Drop is a quick and easy solution. Also, summoning health items when you’re running low can get yourself and your squad back in the fight. You can only call in one of the three Supply Drops with the device, so choose wisely!
That’s everything you need to know about where to find a Dial a Drop and how to use it in your next Fortnite match.