Sometimes, people get the memo just a little late, which can be seen with a certain enemy in the campaign of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. As you storm an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico, there is an enemy that is literally caught with his pants down as he takes refuge in a porta-potty. There is an Achievement and Trophy with quite the fitting name called “A Crappy Way to Die” that tasks you with killing him. This seems easy but can actually easily be missed if you aren’t paying attention. This guide will explain to players how to get the A Crappy Way to Die Achievement and Trophy in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.
Crappy Way To Die Trophy Guide In Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
You will find this porta-potty in question at the start of the campaign’s 12th mission, “Dark Water.” The mission opens with your team making their way onto an oil rig from its lower levels. As you make your through the opposition here, you will eventually make it to the top floor of the rig via the first staircase you come across. At the top of this staircase is where you will find the porta-potty related to this Achievement / Trophy.
Pictured in the image below on the left, you will see two porta-potties next to each other. Shoot the one on the left as soon as you can see to ensure that you get the kill. Don’t wait to get to the top of the stairs because your fellow soldiers seem to really have it out for this guy on the toilet and will steal your kill the instant they get close to it. So, make sure you beat them to the punch and shoot the left porta-potty as soon as you can. If your ally happens to get to the kill before you, don’t worry. Just don’t progress any further and load your most recent checkpoint.

If done correctly, you will see the body of the enemy fall out of the porta-potty and the Achievement / Trophy will unlock!
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