Building an awesome base is one of the simple joys of Valheim. You don’t have a lot of options when it comes to materials, but there’s so much more you can do to make an impressive Viking homestead. The building features in Valheim are much more in-depth than most other open-world survival games, giving you tools to make some incredible little outposts, bridges, castles and more.
The community loves sharing their creations, and we love checking them out. That’s why we’re going to select our favorite builds that we’ve found so far — whether they’re epic, cozy, or just hilarious. All of these creations take a ton of creativity, so make sure to check the links under each spotlight to see what else these creators have made.
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The Best Valheim Builds We’ve Seen So Far

An awesome Plains tower by the water. Very creative use of rock spires.

An elaborate, cozy seaside village that’s packed with unique structures.

An island fort that’s perfectly protected against invading hordes of Greydwarfs.

A massive fortress complex with tiered landings and an awesome fire pit overlooking the area.

Whoops! A supremely creative upside-down house.

A bridge runs through this simple-but-effective riverside outpost.

The Firelink Shrine recreated in Valheim.

An incredible treehouse for all your forest frolicking needs.

A modernist masterpiece with an elaborate flower-shaped structure.

Everything a Viking could want in a single structure.

An overwhelmingly huge castle complex built into the side of a tall mountain.

Something completely different. A trophy storage building that looks like something from another world.

This swamp mansion perfectly fits the spooky, twisted atmosphere.
Found more incredible Valheim builds we need to see? Let us know what we’re missing!