Chapter 3 is the most expansive chapter of Metal Gear Survive so far, and you’ll have ample opportunity to complete each step in your own way. You can rush in and get stab-happy with your spear, or play it safe and sneak around the undead wanderers. Don’t forget to pack plenty of food and water, even if the water is dirty, so you can stay alive. Especially when you enter the Dust.
The Dust is a deadly cloud that kills any human that enters. After collecting the second Memory Board in the guide below, you’ll collect a damage Air Tank. Back at Base Camp, you’ll be able to fix it — with an Air Tank, you’ll be able to enter the Dust. It sucks there. You lose all navigation markers on your map, you use stamina faster, and you have a limited supply of oxygen. When that runs out, you start to lose health.
But, hey, your first gun is located somewhere in that Dust cloud. So that’s cool.
More Metal Gear Survive walkthroughs on Gameranx:
- Metal Gear Survive Walkthrough | Tutorial – First Steps Into Dite
- Metal Gear Survive Walkthrough | Chapter 1 – Hunger & Thirst
- Metal Gear Survive Walkthrough | Chapter 2 – First Memory Board
- Metal Gear Survive Walkthrough | Chapter 4 – The Wormhole Transporter
- Metal Gear Survive Walkthrough | Chapter 5 – Rescue The Castaway
- Metal Gear Survive Walkthrough | Chapter 6 – Exploring Ruins 01
- Metal Gear Survive Walkthrough | Chapter 7 – Secure The Digger
- Metal Gear Survive Walkthrough | Chapter 8 – Defend The Digger
- Metal Gear Survive Walkthrough | Chapter 9 – Secure The Singularity
- Metal Gear Survive Walkthrough | Chapter 10 – Rescue The Kid
- Metal Gear Survive Walkthrough | Chapter 11 – Exploring Ruins 02
- Metal Gear Survive Walkthrough | Chapter 12 – Rescue The Cop
- Metal Gear Survive Walkthrough | Chapter 13 – Secure Singularity 02
- Metal Gear Survive Walkthrough | Chapter 14 & 15 – Escape Dite
- Metal Gear Survive Walkthrough | Chapter 16 – New Map, New Memory Board
Metal Gear Survive Walkthrough | Chapter 3
Objective: Secure the memory board
You’ll have some freedom to complete the mission. In Chapter 3, we’ll need to collect two memory boards. The locations are shown on your map, but you’ll want to check out new crafting options in the Base Camp before leaving. Use the Construction Terminal to build your Base Camp and improve it – let’s get started.
First off, you’ll want to clear away the trash in your base. Select the Move / Repair / Deconstruct tab and select the rubble. You can deconstruct rubble for materials and clear the area for building. Most importantly, you’ll want to construct a Medical Workbench.
You can also strengthen your spear before stepping out. Check your map and approach the blue circles to hunt small animals to stay stocked up on food items. When you’re ready, we’ll approach the east memory board first. To deal with wolves, prepare your spear and stab just as the wolf pounces.

Memory Board #1: The east base is absolutely stacked with wanderers. Bring six fences and block off the entire gate, then run around the gain the horde’s attention. If you have full health and stamina, you should be able to stab through the fences and clear out the entire horde. Just remember to rebuild – you can also back off if they break through and place new fences on your path. Use lures and hide if you’re overwhelmed.
If you don’t want to fight, immediately sneak right as you enter the main gate and climb up to the roof. Wanderers can’t reach you when you’re on a second floor or roof – jump and hop over to the right side of the main building, then sprint and hop the fence, using the cooling machinery to reach the first rooftop with a ladder that leads to the maintenance shack at the top. Unlock the door and raid the interior – there’s valuable material like stainless steel inside. When you’re done, grab the memory board and escape.
Time to move out to the west memory board. Return to base and restock on healing items, defense units, and repair your spear. Sync your iDroid to gain some new crafting – you’ll also be able to learn new Skills. Using Kuban energy, you’ll unlock skills for your character. Use the Skill Trainer to level up your Main Class (Survivor) to Level 2. It costs 3,000 Kuban – you’ll unlock one Skill Point. Use it however you want, but I like Quick Hands for quick access to more Kuban energy from downed wanderers.
NOTE: While at Base Camp, you’ll also want to construct a Wormhole Extraction Device. Build and equip it at the Gear Workbench. You’ll be able to send animals back through wormholes to Base Camp, allowing you to collect more resources from them.

Objective: Secure the memory board
Memory Board #2: The second memory board is located in the west yellow circle, and is almost due north of your base camp. Travel north to find a small canyon – and don’t miss a materials crate that’s filled with empty bottles. Inside the small room, there’s a Kuban crystal plant and a corpse with a damaged air tank. Retrieve both, then take the memory board.
On the way back to base camp, swarms of wanderers will fall into the canyon and crawl towards you. Set up a fence to block them, or jump onto the container and wait for them to bunch up below, then sprint back to base. They won’t be able to follow you, and they’re really slow.

Objective: Secure the memory board
Memory Board #3: The chapter isn’t over yet. Another memory board appears in the Dust. To reach it safely, you’ll need an Air Tank. Synchronize back at base with the first two Memory Boards to unlock the Air Tank in the Gear Workbench. Craft and equip it, and you’ll be able to temporarily enter the Dust.
When you enter the Dust, you’ll automatically equip the oxygen mask. You’ll constantly use oxygen, which you can resupply with Kuban energy. For each refill, the Kuban energy cost will increase. While in the Dust, your stamina runs out much faster. Basically, you want to get in and out of the Dust as quickly as possible.
Climb the rocks south of the camp with the Memory Board and sneak in carefully. Rush to the room with the Memory Board, and barricade yourself in. This is a good place to defend against incoming wanderers if they spot you. Clear the area, then crack open (or carefully unlock) the container. You’ll also want to raid the Memory Board room for bonus supplies. There’s lots of quality medical items inside.
Recipe Location: [Burkov Pistol, Soviet Beret, BDU] There are two large containers in the base. Grab the Memory Board, and try to raid both large containers. You’ll get some new blueprints from both – the Burkov Pistol from the Memory Board room, and the Soviet Beret / BDU from the second container. Return to base and sync to complete the chapter.
More Metal Gear Survive guides on Gameranx:
- Metal Gear Survive: 8 Tactical Tips To Help You Survive | Getting Started Guide
- Metal Gear Survive: Where To Find All Recipes | Locations Guide
- Metal Gear Survive: How To Get Materials & Kuban Fast | Farming Guide
- Metal Gear Survive: How To Get Clean Water & Potatoes | Hunger & Thirst Guide
- Metal Gear Survive: Trophy List