Terry Crews Is Down For Playing Cole Train In Gears of War Movie
After Dave Bautista chimes in about his desire to portray Marcus Fenix, another actor speaks up.
After Dave Bautista chimes in about his desire to portray Marcus Fenix, another actor speaks up.
The game was pushed back for further polish.
Get ready to claim two more video games next week.
The new Team Rocket event brings speculation that their boss will soon appear.
Konami still sitting on the much-beloved survival horror franchise.
Cloud Saves are coming to the entire marketplace soon.
The franchise is receiving a digital release this year.
Crunch culture is something more developers are trying to eliminate.
There are two notable changes taking place right now.
Get the latest free games right now.
The lineup from THQ Nordic at Gamescom has been revealed.
Get EA games days before launch.
Get ready for the next big installment to the Yakuza franchise.
RAM may no longer kill your gaming PC budget.
Was this latest update the original scrapped casino expansion for Grand Theft Auto V?
CD Projekt Red is against adding in-game content locked away from others.
With the latest update there is a new Easter Egg from Bully.
Remedy Entertainment reveals Control has officially gone gold.
He’s trying everything to make it happen.
The Initiative studio is taking on skilled developers.
Tired of waiting for Capcom? Fans are making a push to deliver a new Dino Crisis experience.
From fans to developers.
The announcement is in the works after a lawsuit was filed?
A new update just went out for the PS Vita.