One of the best weapons in Cyberpunk 2077 is available right at the start of the Phantom Liberty DLC — but to get it, you’ll need to make one very specific choice. The side jobs in Dog Town all have very different conclusions based on your choices, and some of the best weapons are easily missable. This is one of those weapons. If you want to get your hands on an extremely useful Assault Rifle that you’ll be used for the rest of the expansion, here’s how to get it.
To get the best weapon in Phantom Liberty very early, you’ll need to complete the opening series of jobs starting with Dog Eat Dog — progressing until you’re able to freely explore Dog Town. Once you leave your safe house, you’ll begin the main job Lucretia My Reflection. This is as early as you can collect the Carmen Iconic Assault Rifle.
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How To Get The Carmen | Best Early Weapon Guide

Go north of the Safe House to the massive tower in the center of Dog Town. There’s a job here — go inside the Barghest Camp to the (southwest) of the pyramid and talk to the two NPCs sitting in a tent. This is Paco and Babs.
- Talk to Paco and Babs outside of Barghest HQ. They’re sitting in a tent marked on your map. Talking to them initiate the job Balls To The Wall.
- After a lengthy series of visions showing Paco’s interactions with Kurt Hansen — complete two sequences — Paco will tell you the important part of his story.
- At the end, you’ll get three choices for advice to Paco. Each of these choices leads to a completely different conclusion of the story.
- [Gotta frame Yuri.]
- [At this stage… run for the hills, guys.]
- [See if I can’t call in some favors. Could work somethin’ out]

Select [At this stage… run for the hills, guys.] — this leads to a conclusion where you help Paco and Babs escape Dog Town. If you choose this selection, follow him to his car parked nearby and help him reach the Grand Imperial Mall. After driving out, wait two days for Paco to contact you again.
- After two days have passed, Paco will message you. Agree to meet him at the Afterlife bar in Watson.
- Meet Paco, and he’ll give you the Carmen Power Assault Rifle.
This powerful workhorse Assault Rifle is useful for almost any build — ammo is common for it in the DLC, it deals high damage, and is killer while you’re moving. Add a silencer and it can even be used for stealth headshot-focused builds.

- Carmen
- Tier 4+ ICONIC | Power Assault Rifle
- Attack Speed: 1250 | Damage: 2274 | Reload Speed: 1.65 | Effective Range: 28.75 | Weapon Handling: 7.04
- 100% Headshot Damage Multiplier
- 50% Armor Penetration
- Arms and legs… who needs ’em? Shots to limbs have an increase Crit. Chance. Weapon handling is improved while running, jumping or sliding and simultaneously increases damage and bleeding.
This gun doesn’t look like much, but it is extremely useful for almost any combat situation. You’ll deal high damage to armored enemies, kill regular enemies fast with headshots, and can keep moving and fighting while vaulting, jumping or climbing. It isn’t the prettiest gun in the game, but it can blaze through crowds of enemies easily. Slap a silencer on the gun to become a stealth beast.