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The Wind Temple will likely be the first dungeon many Tears of the Kingdom players encounter. Many NPCs you run into early on will point you in the direction of Rito Village, where you begin the trek to the Wind Temple.
Completing this dungeon and its boss is the final part of the “Tulin of Rito Village” quest line. If you want to know how to complete it thus far and get to the Wind Temple, you can read our quest guide here.
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How to Complete the Wind Temple
When you drop into the Wind Temple, you will be faced with five turbine locks that you need to spin using Tulin’s gust ability using the [a] button. We will walk you through each of these locks, as well as how to get all the optional chests and goodies hidden in the dungeon
Turbine Lock #1

The first lock to find is on the same main level of the dungeon that you spawn on. Walk North to see two locked doors across from one another. One will have a working lever you can grab with Ultrahand to unlock. Inside there is an enemy and a chest with an Opal inside.
Go to the one that has a broken lever. In order to make it work, you are going to need to attach an icicle to the lever using Ultrahand. Once you’ve done this, use Ultrahand again to pull the lever and open the door. Inside you will find the first turbine lock that you must use Gust to activate.
From here, you can get a couple chests. If you would like more arrows, you can melt the ice block on the West side of the first floor for a chest containing 10. arrow You will need them for the boss of this dungeon, so make sure to grab these. Around the northeast side of the ship there is a ice puddle that you can break by jumping. Fall down here to discover another ice block that you can melt. The chest inside will have a Zoanite shield.
Turbine Lock #2

For the next lock, move to the giant updraft in the middle of the dungeon and use your glider at its highest point to navigate to the northern tallest tower of the ship. Use Ultrahand to discover you can pry open two heavy doors blocking entry to the room below.
You must dodge all the lasers while falling down or else the room with the second Turbine Lock will close. On your way back up, look out for a chest with a ledge in this wind tunnel. Open it for a powerful Solider blade.
Turbine Lock #3

To get to the next Turbine Lock, run to the eastern edge of the ship. From here paraglide down and look for an icy entrance on the side of the ship. Landing here and melting these icicles will lead you to floor B1 of the dungeon.
Drop down and turn to the left for a chest puzzle. There is a chest behind a grate with a small opening, higher than you can reach. Make a grip using the ample icicles hanging from the ceiling (shoot them down with arrows), and attach the chest to it. Drag it through the gap using Ultrahand to get the chest with a Sapphire.

Attach an icicle to the top gear near the door using Ultrahand. And then spin it just enough so that the door opens for a second or two. This won’t be enough time for you to run over and climb in before it closes. However, you can now use Recall on the gear to make it turn backwards and open the door again. This time, you are ready to use that window to reach Turbine Lock #3 in this room. Activate it once you are inside and the door will be opened permanently.
Turbine Lock #4

For the next lock, you will want to jump off the ship again, but this time on the west side. Head into the open entrance and you’ll find yourself once again in B1, just on the other side of the dungeon.
Turn left and destroy the construct before attempting to navigate the lasers ahead of you. It’s not hard to crouch and jump to avoid these. Your reward is a chest containing a Ruby.
Defeat the two Keese on the right and proceed to find another frozen chest. Melt the ice and open it to receive a Zonai time bomb capsule and a portable pot capsule. Now turn your attention to the gap on your left covered in ice. You are forced to use Tulin’s ability to help you cross. If you want to be safe you can first Ascend to a higher point in the chamber.

Once you’ve managed to cross the gap. Turn to the room on your left and defeat the construct. In this room use Ascend to reach a new chamber above you. Here you can easily lift two large concrete slabs from on top of a chest holding a Captain II reaper.
Proceed until you see windmill-like structure that looks like it can rotate. Use Ultrahand to attach at least one concrete slab and rotate the pillar manually. You can also use Tulin’s ability or Recall to open the gate while you are on the ladder below it. Either way, making this spin will open the door to the next Turbine Lock. Climb up and activate it before heading back to the main area of the ship.
Turbine Lock #5

The final lock is in the deceptively hard to find B2. This deepest basement can be found by jumping off the ship. Glide down low enough and you will see there is a platform hidden underneath that you can land on. Defeat the construct enemy here and then activate the last Turbine Lock.
Now, return to where you started the dungeon in order to take on the boss.
How To Defeat Colgera

Colgera is an icy flying beast that you will fight in mid-air. Your melee weapons will be useless here. This encounter is all about using your bow and arrows in the most effective way.
The boss has three crystaline segments that are the only play it takes damage. The fastest way to damage Colgera is from below. This way you can directly damage the crystals without waiting for the protective spikes to come off the boss’s top half.
We found that a surefire way to destroy each segment in two hits is by using Fire Fruit arrows. By creating fire arrows and shooting them at Colgera from undernearth, you will be able to destroy the icy protection around its weak point in one shot (we were using an 11 power bow). From there, all it takes is one regular arrow to land to destroy the weak point. Do this two more times to complete the fight’s first phase.
The second phase is a rinse and repeat situation, only now you have torandos to deal with. Coming into contact with these will do at least a whole heart of damage. Avoid them by going above and continue on using the same tactics as before to most optimally damage Colgera.

One thing to exploit is the attack where the boss quickly attacks vertically from below you. Tulin will warn you when Colgera is about to launch into this attack. Position yourself so you are parallel with the boss and facing its underbelly as it shoots up. Now, as you fall down it you will be able to line up each of the shots you need to make in one fell swoop. It might not go that way on your first try, but it’s the best way to get Colgera down quick.
After this fight you will have completed the Wind Temple. Your reward is a Heart Container and the ability to summon Tulin to use his ability wherever you go.