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We’ve finally escaped Vavilov Complex — and at this point, Atomic Heart completely changes. Instead of exploring dank underground corridors exclusively in (mostly) linear facilities, we’ll have an entire open-world to explore. You’ll have to dodge security cameras that deploy infinite reinforcements, while searching a village for a path to the exit train station. Before you can reach the station, you’ll need to unlock the village gate.
Unlocking the gate requires a very specific set of actions — and then reaching the train station, you’ll need to acquire a train ticket. Finding the ticket can be tricky. You’ll need to reach a specific set of locations, and one of them is well hidden, before you can ride the train to the main area of the facility. Learn how to progress out of the village in the full guide below.
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Going To Lesnaya Station | Open-World Exploration

After escaping the Vavilov Complex, you’ll exit out into a large open-world region. Next, we need to reach Lesnaya Station to reconnect with the leaders of the facility. Travel north up the main road to discover that the path to the station is locked by a massive gate.
- How To Unlock The Gate:
- Travel north in the town. Use your scanner function on any of the dandelion cameras in the area. Once scanned, you’ll see a line that connects them to the HAWK drone in the sky. Any camera will work.
- Follow the lines to a two-story house complex. Behind the house, there is a tall tower. Ride the lift up to the top of the tower and hack the terminal inside.
- It won’t work, but you will get contacted by Granny. Go to the new marker that appears on your map — its to the west of the tower, nearby. At the empty farm, use the hand washing station to summon her hut.
- Enter the hut to watch a long cutscene. You’ll also acquire a hacking unit and a Dominator Weapon Blueprint.
- Go back to the tower and hack the terminal at the top. A map screen will appear. Select one of the cameras to the north — there are multiple cameras along the northern exit road.
- Once you’ve selected a camera with a view of the gate, prompts will appear. Press the button prompts to interact and unlock the gates.
Now we can go back to the main road and travel through the gate. The area is heavily guarded with cameras — use [Shok] to disable the cameras and sneak past the gate. The road beyond the gate is heavily guarded and features three cameras in a row all watching the same road in sequence. Go in prepared and take care of the enemies behind the trucks where cameras can’t see you.

- SAFE ROOM LOCATION: To the right of the main exit gate to the town, you’ll find a locked shop. Behind the shop, there’s a dirt path that leads to a safe room bunker with a NORA unit.
The station is north of the village. Follow the main road northwest toward the edge of the HAWK overwatch region. On the map, the HAWK range appears as white line. Follow the road until you reach a destroyed tunnel — take the dirt road to the right down the hill.
How To Ride The Train | Train Ticket Guide

The station is a massive red structure. The area is lightly guarded, so you can freely take the stairs or use the polymer liquid to reach the train entrance on the upper platform. Inside the train, talk to the robot at the bar — for once, a robot is still friendly. Unfortunately, the robot won’t let you progress until you get a ticket.
- How To Get A Ticket: Go down to the entrance of the station. Go down to the western road where there’s a body near a statue. The body is guarded by a Lab Tech robot. Defeat it and talk to the body. He’s holding an extra ticket.
- Talk to the Conductor to learn that the ticket is expired. Travel back to the hotel up the hill — its a large building you passed across from the Safe Room.
- Enter the back kitchen and look for a window with polymer liquid. Swim through it to reach a blocked upper floor room. Talk to the body inside and mention the expired ticket — he’ll offer you his Monthly Pass. Expire all the conversation options to get it.
Take your ticket back to the train conductor and you’ll be off toward the VDNH.