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One of the biggest parts of learning to play Genshin Impact is looking into all the characters that you can choose from to put on your team. While there are tons of different slots to fill, such as shield user, healer, and DPS, the characters on your team still have to harmonize together to pull off big damage. It also can be a bit hard to have a healer on your team like Barbara as she doesn’t really help with applying Hydro to enemies, and while she heals well, this isn’t enough for fighting in the Sprial Abyss when being able to put out effective damage is everything.
Luckily, there is Sangonomiya Kokomi, a character who had a complicated launch but has since become a beloved member of many teams.
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Is Kokomi a Healer or Damage Support Unit in Genshin Impact?
Kokomi is a five-star Hydro Catalyst user who nearly fits into two separate but useful roles. Kokomi is both a healer and a relatable character for applying Hydro damage to enemies. While she did have a troubled launch, when her artifact set, Ocean-Hued Clam, was placed in the game, she quickly became one of not the most useful Hydro support units in the game.
Here is a quick rundown of her elemental skill and elemental burst:
- Elemental Skill: Summons a jellyfish that pulses Hydro damage and heals teammates.
- Elemental Burst: Increases the Kokomo’s attack for a small duration of time and heals teammates with each hit she lands.
While Kokomi can be used as a DPS, many players pull her for Hydro application and the healing is just a bonus.
Should I Use Kokomi on My Team in Genshin Impact?

Kokomi is not a bad character to decide to pull for. The biggest determiner is whether or not you need Hydro application on your current team. While healing is nice, a healer just for the sake of healing isn’t something you want to force into your team, especially if you’re going through the Spiral Abyss.
Unless your team can synergize well with Hydro, Kokomi may not be the character you wish to spend your wishes on. If you need healing, then characters who buff like Bennett may end up being a better choice. In addition, Xingqui also exists and is a wonderful choice for close-range Hydro application. Before pulling for Kokomi, you should carefully look at your team and the characters you already own to see how she would slot in.