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Apex Legends Mobile has started its second season. Compared to a lot of other battle royales (and the console version of Apex Legends for that matter) Apex Mobile‘s seasons move along at a fast pace with the first season of the game running for just one month. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, however, as there’s a lot of content in the console/PC versions of the game that aren’t included in Apex Mobile. That means that with each new season, the game will start looking more and more like the original as “new” content is added.
So far, the biggest addition to Apex Mobile Season 2 is Loba, a healer character. Her abilities bring a lot to the table so if you’re picking her, make sure to be using them as frequently and as well as you can. If you need some explanations on what she can do, take a look below.
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Passive Ability: Eye For Quality

Loba’s passive, Eye For Quality, is the most surefire way to snag some high-tier loot. Essentially, Loba’s passive allows her to see purple and gold loot (Epic and Legendary) through walls and containers. This gives the player a leg up when it comes to knowing which places to start looting first. If you’re using a microphone, you can also direct your squadmates towards the loot if they need it as well. The range of the ability isn’t huge but it still gives Loba an upper hand when it comes to looting as players should be able to see just about everything in close proximity.
Tactical Ability: Burglar’s Best Friend

Loba is a thief and her tactical ability highlights this perfectly. Burglar’s Best Friend allows her to teleport anywhere that she can throw her wristbands. This can help get players to tough-to-reach locations in search of better gear or it can be used in combat either for aggressive maneuvering or a speedy escape. The teleportation isn’t instant, so make sure you’ve got a plan before locking yourself into the animation which isn’t terribly slow, but still worth keeping in mind. It’s also worth noting that Loba’s tactical ability has had a lot of bugs associated with it in the main game, so it’s frustrating, but it might not always be working properly. Loba’s tactical is on a 30-second cooldown.
Ultimate Ability: Black Market Boutique

Loba’s ultimate ability is perhaps her most useful. When fully charged, she can open the black market which drops a teleportation node that anyone can interact with. When using it, players are given access to all of the loot in the surrounding area ordered by rarity which gives players a good understanding of what can be found nearby. Each player can choose two items from the black market (with the exception of ammo which has no limit) to grab which instantly teleports the item to the player’s inventory or equips it to their gear.
Take note: make sure to close the market after everyone in your squad is done looking through it as enemies can also use the node if it isn’t closed. This can allow them to top off their gear before coming to find you, so it’s always a good idea to take down the shop. The node can be destroyed if it takes enough damage, so always be vigilant about who’s around because an enemy can cut your time with it short in just an instant. Also, be aware that when the node is placed a light is blasted across the entire area that it affects which could clue enemies into your location. Loba’s ultimate is on a 60-second cooldown.