Progression Carryover is a special feature that allows you to transfer your progression progress from Hitman 2 into Hitman 3. If you’ve unlocked Hitman 1 levels in Hitman 2 (and played them) then the progress you’ve made will carry-over into Hitman 3. It’s a little confusing how this all plays out, and you might want to prepare yourself before transferring your progress into Hitman 3.
Thankfully, all the content for the previous Hitman games is included in Hitman 3 — so the file size is much smaller than in previous entries. Hitman 3 in total weighs in around 70 GB. That isn’t small, but that file size also includes Hitman 1 and Hitman 2, which weighed in around 100+ GB with all content unlocked. So all three games together is significantly smaller than the first two games. That’s a net gain, and a very nice fix for us storage-starved console players.
Want more Hitman in your life? Check out my top 12 best Hitman levels in the entire series history.
How Progression Carryover Works | What You Need To Know
When you start Hitman 3, you’ll be able to transfer your progress from Hitman 2. You can only transfer progress from Hitman 2, so if you have Hitman 1 make sure you’ve unlocked your free maps in Hitman 2 before beginning the transfer process.
- To access Progress Carryover On Console / PC, select the menu tile in the upper-right corner. You may need to wait a moment for the tile to appear. Selecting it will take you to the Progression Carryover website.
- You must create an IOI account to access Progression Carryover.
- Create an account here.
- You’ll need to login to your IOI Account on both Hitman 2 and Hitman 3 with the same account linked to your PSN / XBL / Steam accounts.
Progress carryover allows you to begin Hitman 3 with their existing Hitman 2 player profile, starting the game with their existing Hitman 2 XP rank, location mastery levels, location mastery unlocks, challenge progress, challenge unlocks, and Elusive Target unlocks. Basically, you don’t need to replay the levels you’ve already completed.
You can only transfer progress on the same system. Progression can only be transferred from Hitman 2 (and Hitman 2 Legacy Pack maps — Hitman 1 maps in Hitman 2).
- Hitman 2 [PS4] can transfer to Hitman 3 [PS4 / PS5]
- Hitman 2 [Xbox One] can transfer to Hitman 3 [Xbox One / Xbox Series X]
- Hitman 2 [PC] can transfer to Hitman 3 [PC]*
*Currently, progress can’t transfer from Hitman 2 [Steam Version] to Hitman 3 [Epic Store Version]. As a way to make this work, preorder and early adopters will be able to download the legacy pack for free. If you’re on PC, buy early.
Progress carryover can only be done once. There is no sync between Hitman 2 / 3 so if you continue to progress in Hitman 2, it will not carryover to Hitman 3. If you attempt to transfer progress after starting Hitman 3, all of your Hitman 3 progress will be wiped.
The Basics | Progress Carryover Breakdown
- When you first start Hitman 3, you’ll be given the option to transfer progress from Hitman 2.
- To unlock all the maps from Hitman 1+2 for free in Hitman 3, make sure you’ve unlocked the Legacy Map Pack in Hitman 2.
- You can purchase all the content from Hitman 1 + Hitman 2 with 5 different game pass packs. Depending on what content you already own, some or all of these passes will be unlocked after transferring progress.
- If you transfer progress after starting Hitman 3, all progress in Hitman 3 will be reset.
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