There’s a mysterious new Osiris quest in Destiny 2, and the community is slowly unraveling all of its secrets. There are secret lore entries to unlock and a bonus Emblem you can unlock by completing a very tricky puzzle — the actual solution for this quest hasn’t be solved quite yet, but there is a bonus Emblem anyone can unlock for this weekly reset.
Here’s how the puzzle works — once you enter the area, you’ll find an obelisk that displays seven symbols. These symbols change every hour, and they indicate the path you’ll need to take through the Corridors of Time. There are 19 combinations so far — and each one leads to a special lore entry. Just finding the lore entries isn’t enough, so players are still working hard to decipher the mystery.
We’re not here to solve the quest. I’ll leave that to the fact-finding fans of r/raidsecrets and their collective intelligence. Instead, we’re going to talk about the hidden emblem you can unlock by following a very different path.
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Talk to Osiris to begin the ‘Corridor of Time’ quest — a new quest that takes you to the ST-14 mission area available earlier in the season.
For this quest, you’ll find an obelisk that displays different symbols. Using the symbols, you can enter the portals in a specific order to unlock Lore Cards.
For the lore cards, you’ll need to follow the portals through seven symbols. To get the secret emblem, you’ll need to follow eleven symbols.
NOTE: If you go through the corridor in the wrong order, go back to a black obelisk to reset your code.
Secret Emblem – Symbol Path
- Diamond, Clover, Snake, Plus, Hex, Hex, Plus, Hex, Diamond, Clover, Snake
Lore Cards – Symbol Path
- Hex, Plus, Plus, Diamond, Hex, Snake, Snake
- Plus, Snake, Clover, Hex, Snake, Plus, Diamond
- Diamond, Plus, Plus, Clover, Snake, Plus, Diamond
- Clover, Clover, Hex, Hex, Plus, Diamond, Snake
- Clover, Diamond, Hex, Clover, Plus, Diamond, Plus
- Plus, Clover, Diamond, Diamond, Snake, Diamond, Diamond
- Snake, Hex, Hex, Hex, Plus, Diamond, Diamond
- Diamond, Clover, Plus, Hex, Clover, Hex, Clover
- Clover, Hex, Plus, Diamond, Plus, Snake, Diamond
- Diamond, Plus, Snake, Hex, Hex, Diamond, Plus
- Hex, Diamond, Snake, Plus, Hex, Plus, Plus
- Clover, Clover, Clover, Snake, Diamond, Hex, Diamond
- Diamond, Hex, Snake, Hex, Clover, Clover, Plus
- Plus, Hex, Clover, Hex, Plus, Diamond, Hex
- Snake, Hex, Snake, Hex, Diamond, Hex, Snake
- Diamond, Plus, Clover, Hex, Snake, Hex, Snake
- Hex, Snake, Plus, Hex, Snake, Hex, Plus
- Clover, Plus, Clover, Diamond, Snake, Snake, Hex
- Hex, Snake, Plus, Hex, Snake, Hex, Plus
Lore Card and Emblem symbols discovered by Nakkikastike154 on Reddit.
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