An Airline Has Used Pokemon To Help Detail Airline Safety.
Well, that's random.
...don't be jerks, people!
Getting your scares in early, huh?
Yep, this game is still going, and there's still lots to do!
If only others followed their example...
You are my instructor, don't mistake that for being my superior.
The fight is only months away!
Do you really need this, though?
Strike a pose with your faves!
Make bad decisions? Pay the price.
Not everyone "needs" a happily ever after, right?
Cooler heads saved the game.
Stepping out on its own?
From Keighley's lips to your ears!
They want to be free!
Kindness is free, everyone.
He's both right and wrong about this.
The past echoes once more!
Go forth and make new games!