The most important collectible in Atomic Heart is the blueprint. These crafting recipes unlock more weapons, more ammo, and more items to create at any NORA vendor. You’ll find plenty of these blueprints while exploring the underground Vavilov Complex, and you can even find all of them before completing the next major story location. If you’re eager to unlock powerful blueprints like the Kalash, the Large Health Capsule and the rechargeable Rail Gun, then check out the full list of blueprint chest locations. There’s a lot of them to find.
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All Blueprint Locations | All Weapons, Ammo & Items
Blueprints are special items that unlock weapons, ammo and other items from the vendor. Once a blueprint is unlocked, you’ll be able to craft the item from the store — blueprints are permanent. There are two types of Blueprints; standard Blueprints you’ll find in chests and Reward Chest Blueprints that are only located in Test Chambers.
Blueprints always unlock in a specific order. There are many blueprint chests — more than listed here — but for each blueprint chest you find and open, you’ll unlock the next blueprint in order. Blueprints are essentially unlocked by finding more Blueprint Chests.
Below, we’ve listed all the items found in Blueprint Chests. There are many, many more Blueprint Chests you’ll encounter in the open-world and in story missions. After finding all Blueprints, Blueprint Chests will give standard chest rewards instead. If you miss one of the chests listed below, don’t worry — just keep opening chests in future areas and you’ll unlock the next blueprint on your list. Find enough chests and you’ll unlock the final blueprint. The Railgun is the last unlock. After that, the blueprints will reset and you’ll get small message pop-ups that you’ve unlocked blueprints from the start of the list.
Small Neuromed Capsule Blueprint: Inside the second save room of the Vavilov Complex. After meeting your first NORA unit, you’ll want to crack open the large chest to the left of the shop.
Shotgun Weapon: Powerful single-shot gun. Acquired after unlocking the first bunker door with the handle in the Vavilov Complex. After the soldier gets pulled away, you’ll gain the SHotgun in your inventory.
Small Neuromed Capsule Blueprint: Inside the second save room of the Vavilov Complex. After meeting your first NORA unit, you’ll want to crack open the large chest to the left of the shop.
Shotgun Shells Blueprint: In the Vavilov Complex, after unlocking the door on Level 1 with [Shok], you’ll have access to the Maglev Station. On the path, the second door to the left is a safe room. The large chest inside contains a blueprint.
Swede – Handle Blueprint: In the Maglev Tunnels, you’ll reach a locked booth where the ability to restart the station is located. Near this booth, there’s a safe room with a large chest containing this blueprint.
Fox Weapon Blueprint: After riding the Cable Cars, you’ll have to climb the walls and eventually reach another locked station. Inside the safe room, the large chest contains this new melee weapon blueprint.
K-23 – Electromagnetic Barrel Blueprint: Chasing Petrov in the Vavilov Complex, you’ll have to collect a ‘Candle’ to unlock the door he escapes through. In the large warehouse room, past the malfunctioning loaders, you’ll find a safe room to the left. There’s a large chest here with the weapon upgrade.
- Adds shock damage to the shotgun, increasing damage against robots.
Electro Weapon Blueprint: During your quest to find the three Lunar Canisters while hunting Petrov, during ‘In Hot Pursuit’, you’ll need to swim through polymer. After exiting, you’ll find a Lunar Canister in a NORA unit. The Electro Blueprint will unlock as you enter the room.
- Interacting with the NORA, you’ll also unlock the Electro pistol. This handgun has regenerating ammo and deals a small amount of damage to robots.
Electro – EMP Generator Blueprint: In the Vavilov Complex, upon entering the Seed Bank, look in the room to your right. The safe room contains a large chest with this weapon upgrade.
MP Weapon Blueprint: In the Vavilov Complex, inside the Seed Bank, reach the upper-level safe room. Open the large chest to earn the blueprint for the handgun.
MP Ammo Blueprint: Leaving the upper-level Seed Bank safe room, you’ll encounter a wandering robot and a laser drone on the catwalks. Before going up the stairs, there’s a large chest with this blueprint.
Fire Cartridge Blueprint: Go up the stairs on the catwalk from the previous chest. On the upper platform, open the locked door to reach landing with a large chest. This is the same spot where you need to ride the loader platform to jump onto the ceiling and ride the zipline across the Seed Bank.
Medium Neuromod Capsule Blueprint: Leaving the Vavilov Complex, you’ll need to collect four canisters. Reach the safe room just across from the Algae Workshop entrance. The large chest contains this blueprint.
Dynamo Blueprint: Located in the Hot Workshop safe room. Found right at the entrance to the red section of the complex.
Electric Cartridge Blueprint: At the entrance to the Hot Workshop in the Vavilov Complex, go up the stairs to view the giant jungle room. Go left into the hallway and drop through the floor into a small plant-filled chamber. There’s a chest in the center.
Pashtet Weapon Blueprint: After fixing the boiler room in the hot workshop, you can cross the main lab floor. Climb the wall in the back-right, then enter the hallways. There’s a safe room right at the start of this path this a blueprint chest.
Ice Cartridge Blueprint: Located at the Algae Workshop safe room. After encountering the Hedgie robot that smashes the window to the large chamber, continue down the hallway to find a safe room.
Adrenaline Canister Blueprint: Complete the Cold Workshop Canister challenge. As you leave, reach the safe room in the hallway through the back door that opens in the control room.
Dominator Blueprint: After leaving the Vavilov Complex, you’ll meet with Granny Zina in her stilt-house. After the cutscene, she’ll give you the blueprint for the Dominator. The Dominator is a powerful electromagnetic assault rifle.
- Bonus MP Weapon: A free MP handgun is located in the southwest of the Vavilov Complex exit. After leaving the complex, travel to the southwest (south of the two-story house) and look for a yellow barn building with a garage. There’s a bloody soldier on the ground here. You can collect his gun for a free MP — no crafting required.
Dominator Weapon Blueprint: Acquired after meeting with Granny Zina in the open world for the first time. To hack the camera control tower, you’ll need a special device. After collecting the device, you’ll also gain this weapon blueprint.
Snowball Weapon Blueprint: In the town south of Lesnaya Station, go to the large gate we had to open with the security camera hacking module. To the right of the gate, there’s a locked store near a dandelion camera pole. Unlock the storefront door and loot the large chest to get this weapon blueprint.
Kalash Weapon Blueprint: North of the Vavilov Complex village, on the main road connecting the village to the Lesnaya Station, there’s a tall two-story house. Take the spiral stairs to the roof, then up to another platform above. On this upper deck, you’ll find a large chest that contains this blueprint.
Kalash Rounds Blueprint: In the farmhouse down the dirt path from the destroyed tunnel road. Follow the dirt path toward Lesnaya Station and you’ll find a farm with a grain crop. Enter the house to the west to find this large chest guarded by a Lab Tech robot.
Snowball – Handle Blueprint: Inside the Testing Ground 1 puzzle room. Found in the back-left corner of the first main puzzle chamber, on a high catwalk with steps.
Large Neuromed Capsule Blueprint: On the Boat Station dock in the Testing Ground 6 area. Find it near the HAWK Relay.
Electro Blueprint: Found durin ‘A Glass Darkly’ quest, after the fourth magnetic puzzle room. The chest is near a laser grid puzzle.
Zvezdochka Melee Weapon Blueprint: Inside the Exhibition entranceway. Unlock the schematic lock near the first Safe Room to get the large chest.
- How To Unlock The Exhibition Schematic Lock: The lock is located at the entrance to the Exhibition, behind the large building exhibit.
- Enter the room directly opposite the lock. The door is just before the first Safe Room of the Exhibition. Inside this room, the schematic is written on the blackboard.
- Start at the Triangle symbol. Inside you’ll find a blueprint chest. (It contained the Zvezdochka Blueprint for us.)
Fat Boy Rocket Launcher Weapon Blueprint: This Blueprint Chest is located in the main Exhibition Atrium during the ‘Made In The USSR’ quest. Access the chest by unlocking the Lunar Termina with three missing canisters.
Fat Boy Rockets Blueprint: The blueprint chest is located during the ‘Uneasy Lies The Head That Wears The Crown’ portion of the Exhibition — when you enter the fourth-floor area looking for Claire’s Head, you’ll find the chest to the right of the door blocked by five sprout spawners.
Zdezvocha – Handle Blueprint: A blueprint chest is located deeper into the fourth floor of the Exhibition Atrium while hunting Claire’s Head. Past the submarine exhibit, pick the door lock to reach an elevator lobby. Pick the lock to the right of the elevator doors to find a blueprint chest.
Railgun Weapon Blueprint: Continuing from the previous blueprint chest, take the elevator up into the cavern. Climb up into the office ahead — after dealing with two robots, continue down the hallway instead of leaving through the door. The hallway leads downstairs to an optional chest with this blueprint.