Hoyoverse has revealed a new event players can participate in – with some dubious provisions behind it.

First off, the conditions for participation. The Fayz Trials will be live between September 8, 2022 10:00 to September 26, 2022 at 3:59 server time.
To be able to play, you will need to be Adventure Rank 20 or above, and you also need to have completed the Archon Quest “Prologue Act III – Song of the Dragon and Freedom.” If you haven’t finished this quest, you can find Jami in Sumeru now to activate and finish it.
To play, you need to head to the Fayz Trial Facility. You will only be allowed to use specific characters in certain trials, and you will not be allowed to use Elemental Resonances.
When you beat enemies, you will earn Fayz Tinctures. You will also collect some Tinctures the longer you keep playing. When you have collected the requisite amount needed, you can then drink the Fayz Potion to enter Time Dilation mode.
In Time Dilation mode, your character and your enemies will not be able to move. Using the Viewfinder, you can find your enemies’ Weaknesses by zooming in and out and panning and tilting, and then catch and collect them. When you then collect the requisite amount of 8 Weaknesses, you can release a Supersense Skill.
On top of that, there’s a small hierarchy for Weaknesses. Some enemies have Critical Weaknesses. These are colored gold and worth twice as much as Normal Weaknesses.
You can actually earn as many as 3 uses of the Fayz Potion before you have to start using them, and you can leave Time Dilation mode without finding any Weaknesses, which means you would not have used any Fayz Potions.
There will be 7 combat challenges, with each one released one at a time for the first 7 days of the event. For each stage, there will be a different Supersense Skill event, and each of them will also have a distinct and related buff effect.
If you finish these events, you can earn rewards you will carry for the rest of the game, including Primogems, Hero’s Wit, Character Level-Up Materials, Weapon Ascension Materials, Mystic Enhancement Ore, and Mora.
Outside this event, there are also new missions in the Luxuriant Woodlands. Play these missions to earn Battle Pass Experience.
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Source: Hoyoverse via Siliconera