Dead Space Remake: What is the Peng? | Easter Egg Explained
There's always Peng.
There's always Peng.
There are a handful of fun side objectives that players can mess around with in the Dead Space remake. From the shooting gallery to the game’s new side quests, there’s plenty for players to do who are spending their time exploring off the beaten path. One of the best side activities is the Z-Ball mini-game …
Rootin', tootin', shootin' machine.
Now what am I supposed to do with this?
Why won't you just stay dead?
Gotta' get me one of these.
Try spinning, that's a good trick.
I'll take all the help I can get.
Showing off these digital photography skills.
Some of the best upcoming medieval games coming this year.
A few beat 'em up games you should be checking out this year.