50 Best Side-Scroller Games Too Good to Put Down
When modern and classic gaming styles clash, we all win.
When modern and classic gaming styles clash, we all win.
The Xbox One isn't lacking when it comes to platformers.
These might be for kids but we love to play them too!
Sometimes, rumored cancelled games are completely rumors.
Nothing wrong with being 2D!
Things could go either way at this point.
Great games don't have to be long. Here are 20 of the greatest bite-sized games from the last 20 years.
Sonic will be present each month this year.
Two pretty decent games for June 2019!
It's the perfect time to start Easter egg hunting. Before the Easter weekend, here are 28 of the best Easter eggs we've covered here on Gameranx.
Check out the latest gameplay footage right here.
Introducing the Evening Star development studio.
Sonic Mania wallpapers for 4K, 1080p HD and 720p HD resolutions. Download here for free!
The secrets never stop in Sonic Mania Plus. Access Sound Test Mode, and you can actually activate some crazy, cool cheat codes. Here's how it works.
Get a complete rundown of everything that's new and included in Sonic Mania Plus. He's still way past cool.
Sonic Mania does brilliantly as a digital-only title.
Sonic makes a grand resurgence.