WW2 Zombies: Darkest Shore DLC – How To Get The Secret PPSh Wallbuy
Skip the Mystery Box and buy the awesome PPSh from a secret wall-buy location in 'The Darkest Shore' DLC.
Skip the Mystery Box and buy the awesome PPSh from a secret wall-buy location in 'The Darkest Shore' DLC.
Put a bullet in Dr. Straub, the mastermind behind the undead outbreak in 'The Darkest Shore' with these quick tips.
Have yourself a rip-roarin' good time with the Ripsaw, a new saw-blade launcher you can craft in 'The Darkest Shore' DLC.
Upgrade your undead-fighting arsenal with our Pack-a-Punch guide, explaining how to unlock the most valuable dispenser in 'The Darkest Shore' DLC.
You can't do much in 'The Darkest Shore' without power. Here's how to turn on the dispensers and unlock an awesome minecart ride for faster travel.
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Get old-school with today's deal.
This is in part, due to the sandbox style of the game.
It will feature a distinct chibi artstyle.
Don't like your character in Monster Hunter World? You could get the option to reset.
Capcoms co-op adventure seems to be doing pretty well.
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Bioware developers respond to varies queries regarding Anthem.
As per job listing.
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