Here’s How PlanetSide’s Servers Ended For Good
Gamers stood in unison as they welcomed their end.
Gamers stood in unison as they welcomed their end.
On PC, PS4 & Xbox One: Become a true Jedi Knight with all the tips and tricks you'll need to earn every trophy / achievement.
On PC, PS4 & Xbox One: Explore the customization options in Battlefield 1 -- what's been confirmed, and what we expect to see.
Check out Dan Bull's latest rap performance.
Battlefield 1's campaign details have been leaked.
On PC, PS4, Xbox One & WiiU: Raid the Resistance for collectibles with Kylo Ren and our complete minikits guide for 'Ottegan Assault'.
On PC, PS4, Xbox One & WiiU: Join up with the First Order and play as Captain Phasma in 'Trouble Over Taul' -- then get every collectible with these locations.
On PC, PS4, Xbox One & WiiU: The mysterious Crimson Corsair hunts for treasure (and collectibles) with our next bonus stage locations guide.
Atmospheric survival horror title Scorn returns with new teaser trailer.
On PC, PS4 & Xbox One: Search the galaxy to uncover every extra minikit hidden with our complete locations guide.
On PC, PS4, Xbox One & WiiU: Learn the origins of Han's monster smuggling scheme on the 'Rathtar Hunting' bonus collectibles guide.
Return to the mad world of the Painter's House through the eyes of his daughter.
On PC, PS4, Xbox One & WiiU: Continue your bonus adventures and grab all the collectibles in our 'Lor San Tekka's Return' locations guide.
On PC, PS4, Xbox One & WiiU: Explore the expanded adventures of LEGO The Force Awakens with our collectibles guide for 'Poe to the Rescue'.
Learn the ins and outs of the new Competitive Play mode in Overwatch, straight from Blizzard's Scott Mercer.
Instead of workers, Civilization VI uses a Builder Class.
David Prassel has been accused of asset theft and other various things over the course of his game development career.
On Xbox One & PC: Literally 'unlock' a hidden passage to Inside's secret ending by uncovering 14 secrets. We've got the locations and solutions you'll need.
Check out the latest DLC expansion for XCOM 2.
On PC, PS4, Xbox One & WiiU: Complete your journey and grab the final collectibles for the main story with our Epilogue locations guide.
On PC, PS4, Xbox One & WiiU: Bring an end to the First Order's rule with our collectibles guide for Chapter 10: The Finale.
A popular ARMA 3 and H1Z1 mod is becoming a standalone game.
On PC, PS4 & Xbox One: Unlock characters, vehicles, and much more with this list of old-school cheat codes.