Pre-load Call of Duty: WWII Private Beta Now
The download sits at 16gb.
The update will likely drop when the console launches.
Keep the ball rolling Hello Games.
Everything you need to know when completing Chapter 9 End of the Line of Uncharted: The Lost Legacy.
Everything you need to know when it comes to Chapter 8 Partners in Uncharted: The Lost Legacy.
Naughty Dog are known for their Easter eggs, and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy has a bunch. There are Last of Us references, mountain yoga exercises, and more games of Marco Polo. Long-running Easter eggs continue, and brand new ones surface — and we’re going to show you how to find them all. It’s all very …
There are a total of 24 gun types in Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. For shooting every single one at least once, you’ll earn the “Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum” trophy. Using them all is incredibly easy — if you unlock the bonus Weapon Select menu. It’s all very easy, and using the Weapon Select will …
Everything you need to know when completing chapter 7 The Lost Legacy. Puzzles, battles and more!
There's more than one way to get into the Call of Duty: WW2 console beta. Here's how to get in.
Play as your favourite Super Saiyan!
.hack returns for PS4 and PC this November.
Bring down Dr. Babylon once and for all in the final episode of Agents of Mayhem.
Sonic makes a grand resurgence.
Everything you need to know to complete Chapter 6 The Gate Keeper.
Here's how 505 curated the Music for Last Day of June.
Enjoy all the benefits of Observer on PC with this quick config fixes -- remove blurriness, skip intros, unlock FPS and more.
Shadow Warrior 1 is also free via Steam.
The last lieutenant in Dr. Babylon's army is waiting in Episode 6 of Agents of Mayhem. Here's how to beat Ariadne, the toughest boss in the game so far.
Steeltoe's mad bride Red Aisha will stop at nothing to take down the ARK. Defeat her (and a giant, rampaging robot) in Episode 5 of Agents of Mayhem.
Chloe and Nadine faces a new challenge.